Logistico voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Practice Make Perfect. Acquisitions are a graveyard of failure for most acquirers. But do the best acquirers teach us. 3 things that practiced acquirers are really good at. Read More
On Tuesday Facebook announced another big change, but perhaps, for once, we are actually pleased with it! Upon exploration of this new feature, we are quite pleased with it and ready to share how it can benefit all Facebook users. Read More
Ever had to call up a customer service line?  It’s almost nightmare-ish. What’s the usual procedure: Wait for the automated operator to inform you that their options have change, Sift through 5-9 menu options that don’t apply to you or your concern Hit 0 (a few times) to get a live person on the ph Read More
We tend to swing like a pendulum when it comes to analyzing and solving business issues. We go into “strategic planning mode” for a while, then we dive into mastering new tools or technologies for a bit. Read More
The fiscal cliff resolution that happened at the beginning of the year may have helped some taxpayers but it delayed many from filing early as the earliest you can file now is January 30th, 2013. Read More
When you think of holiday-themed promotions, you probably think of holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Labor Day…but you probably don’t think of Groundhog Day. Even though it has become more of a quaint tradition than a retail holiday, that doesn’t mean that your brand can’t take advantage Read More
Business cards are a standard item for virtually any business. The problem is that many business cards get thrown away or lost. And their purpose is defeated once they are gone.

The solution is to give prospects and customers an item that they actually use, but you don't want to spend too much Read More
There are many ways to make money with your blog. Many bloggers choose advertising and affiliate marketing, as they are very beginner-friendly and effortless ways to start generating revenue with a blog. Read More
Blogging is an big network make sure to add social media icons in your blog to get engage with your readers.Blogging is the modern day tool for sharing opinions, experiences and views online with millions of people across the globe. Read More

Anatomy of a Startup— Part II: Raising Money - CareerFuel

Anatomy of a Startup— Part II: Raising Money - CareerFuel - http://careerfuel.net Avatar Posted by Heathervanw under Startups
From http://careerfuel.net 4177 days ago
Made Hot by: hbstuart96 on January 23, 2013 1:12 pm
In part two of the series, Mike Shapiro tells it like it is "Raising Money" for a startup. Mike is the owner and CEO of The Alternative Press, an online local news service. Read More

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