Roseanderson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Webvisions 2010 : Effective Personal Branding

Webvisions 2010 : Effective Personal Branding - Avatar Posted by franpro under Marketing
From 5159 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on May 24, 2010 4:45 pm
From that social media SWAMI, Shashi Bellamkonda: I am back from my first visit to Portland OR where I attended WebVisions 2010. I had he honor to present a session on Effective Personal Branding and had a Read More

What's In A Name?

What's In  A Name? - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Startups
From 5159 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on May 24, 2010 4:17 am
What's in a name when picking one for your business. Quite a lot, say some entrepreneurs who fret over what to name their new venture during startup. Not only will the name you choose stay with you for a long time, but it will communicate much about your values and your business to customers. It will be a first impression but must also leave a lasting impression and with all of this said, here are some other thoughts from Wharton Entrepreneurial Programs Read More

Google Releases the Official Google Buzz API

Google Releases the Official Google Buzz API - Avatar Posted by jakerocheleau under Technology
From 5161 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on May 21, 2010 6:27 am
Google has finally released an official API with documentation for Google Buzz. In their blog post, DeWitt Clinton of Google’s Development Team went over a few of the new features available in the API and what developers can expect Read More

Small business, business plan for your blog

Small business, business plan for your blog  - Avatar Posted by Barneyausten under Social Media
From 5163 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggertone on May 21, 2010 6:27 am
Business planning for your blog can pay real dividends. Small business can really benefit from a blogging, but it needs to be planned and executed as carefully as any other aspect of business Read More

Business Preparation is Key!

Business Preparation is Key!  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Strategy
From 5164 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on May 21, 2010 6:27 am
If we do not built a strong foundation, then the structure on which it stands, will not stand the test of time. It takes time to set up a business, that time varying depending on the type, size, shape and location. So what needs to be in place, for the business to stand the test of time Read More

Easier to submit to BizSugar

Easier to submit to BizSugar - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 5168 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on May 21, 2010 6:27 am
BizSugar has been added to TheBookmarketer, a popular tool that helps bloggers make their blogs more social-bookmarking-friendly Read More

Can Someone Else Tell Your Company's Story?

Can Someone Else Tell Your Company's Story?  - Avatar Posted by thursdayb under Marketing
From 5168 days ago
Made Hot by: roseanderson on May 21, 2010 6:27 am
When you consider how many small business’ value is based on the expertise of the founder or trust in one particular person, having someone else market that expertise or make promises based on that trust is incredibly difficult Read More
I’ve recently been visiting Social Media Examiner quite a bit. From what I can tell the magazine holds a lot of promise, already holding a solid 20k+ feed subscribers and having most articles hit in the hundreds of ReTweets Read More

How Do You Rank With The OTHER Search Engines?

How Do You Rank With The OTHER Search Engines?  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 5176 days ago
Made Hot by: argentisgroup on May 7, 2010 2:14 am
So you optimize your website for Google, right? And Yahoo and Bing? But have you stopped to think of some of the alternative search engines that don’t call themselves “search engines”? Places your target market is searching Read More

Can You Save Your Way To Success?- The Pipeline

Can You Save Your Way To Success?- The Pipeline   - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5176 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on May 7, 2010 3:48 am
There is a point to diminishing returns in how successfully you can grow while streamlining or shrinking resources, especially in sales organizations. If shrink too far to achieve productivity, you risk impacting the client experience and the ability for the sales force to meet both company and client expectations Read More

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