Roseanderson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Got Subscribers? The Founder Of A Smart Bear Jason Cohen Dishes Subscription Secrets. Interview with Jason Cohen on building a better blog Read More

When Market Research Reveals An Ugly Truth: Breathe A Sigh Of Relief

When Market Research Reveals An Ugly Truth: Breathe A Sigh Of Relief  - Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Marketing
From 5101 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on July 27, 2010 3:31 pm
Research can reveal both good and bad news: use it to confirm your hopes and expectations for a new market - but also to reveal any problems that may lie ahead Read More

Can Use of Small Business Credit Cards Stimulate Job Growth?

Can Use of Small Business Credit Cards Stimulate Job Growth? - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Raising Capital
From 5103 days ago
Made Hot by: jsternal on July 22, 2010 3:40 pm
A study insists use of small business credit cards was helpful in increased revenue and job creation between 2003 and 2008. But since the study was completed just before the worst part of the recession hit, we are left to wonder about the real impact of so much credit. After all, other sources insist that unpayable loans and low customer spending led many businesses to close. I wonder if any of them had run up big bills on their small business credit cards. Read More
Keyword research is a funny thing. You can gain a lot of knowledge about what words people use when searching on the engines, but it tells very little about what a person wants when they search using a particular keyword or phrase. The intent behind the search is the missing component. But I don't know of any keyword tools that get far enough inside the searcher's heads to know what exactly the searcher's intent is Read More
Very useful tip for anyone who wants to improve their conversions, their communication skills, the effectiveness of their letter, emails, blog posts, fliers, etc Read More
These Facebook specific rules address photos, tagging, and all those applications.

When you first got to college, social media was probably about sending party invites, posting pictures of your new friends, complaining about tests, meeting dates, and keeping in touch with family back home. Now that you’re getting ready to leave school behind, you will need to reconfigure your social media activity so that future employers and contacts respect you. Here are 50 social media etiquette rules to remember Read More
Blog auditing can be explained as an examination of all aspects of a blog to measure its effectiveness. It is a way of finding and fixing faults concerning your blog. .. Read More

GTD for Sales: Batch Processing Leads

GTD for Sales: Batch Processing Leads  - Avatar Posted by billrice under Sales
From 5140 days ago
Made Hot by: variousnarrator on June 15, 2010 12:23 am
I was an early follower of David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) productivity philosophy. It immediately synced with my observations of what makes sales people productive. Allen’s techniques in personal productivity are most effective with busy people. Sales is a numbers game. Processing high volumes of opportunities–efficiently–makes GTD a bulls eye strategy for sales Read More

The Curse Of The Marketing Blog

The Curse Of The Marketing Blog - Avatar Posted by Barneyausten under Social Media
From 5140 days ago
Made Hot by: 9devon9 on June 17, 2010 4:34 am
Marketing blogs are the most widely read and rated on Technorati and other blog forums. Is business blogging for small business redundant except for marketing related posts Read More
On June 9th, Jeremy Victor of Make Good Media presented his tips for building a B2B community on Twitter, which I believe are also applicable for the B2C community and even individuals simply looking to create their own personal brand. Before getting started it is important to define “community”, which Jeremy did by describing it as “a like minded group of people that share common interests, feelings, situations and experiences.” Twitter provides an excellent channel for marketers as it is “a real-time information network powered by people from around the world” who are interested in discovery and communication Read More

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