Sherisaid voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It is 100X easier to get Itunes traffic than it is to get Google traffic and in this post I’m not only going to prove that to you, I’m also going to show you how.

Excited? You should be! Read More
A dilemma many hiring managers face is what to hire for an involved sale, a product person, or someone that can sell but has little product knowledge. In the video I discuss which I feel is easier to train and makes for a faster pay off. Read More
Which one are you in your small business? This is a tougher question than you might think at first. The knee-jerk reaction for most of us is that we're the pig. Fully committed and... Read More
Staring a new business is always challenging, but starting a successful new enterprise during a recession is doubly difficult. One successful example: Giveacar. Read More
Writing a blog requires a great deal of attention and tenacity to detail. The plugins I utilize are a reflection of my readers. The reader is the priority. For instance, if you notice that your blog load time has become slow as a result of cut and paste code in a widget, or a poorly designed plugin Read More
Now that the Green Bay Packers have won the 2011 Super Bowl, we can all get down to discussing the real purpose for the day - the commercials! I know you have a myriad of pundits, forums, blogs, and websites... Read More
Barcodes have been taking on a more important role since the introduction of smart phones. They can be used in a number of different ways and there’s virtually no limit to how and what information can be shared. They have great uses for the hotel industry and the future of the hospitality industry. Read More

Business Intelligence And Unstructured Data

Avatar Posted by crom84 under Technology
From 4917 days ago
Made Hot by: Big Business Boogaloo on February 11, 2011 1:48 am
Talks about how business intelligence techniques can be leveraged against unstructured data (e.g. data embedded in emails, Word documents, etc.) Leads to augmented trend analysis. Read More
An interview with Pallav Nadhani, founder of FusionCharts, about how he built the company at 17 into a multi-million dollar business with customers like Google Read More

10 Ways your website is like a hot tub 

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 4917 days ago
Made Hot by: clickfire on February 9, 2011 3:21 am
Comparing a website to a hot tub may not be everyone’s instant metaphor, but it’s pretty appropriate. Any website owner who’s been online for a while will appreciate some of the similarities. From SEO to basic maintenance, there really are similarities. Read More

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