Sherisaid voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Interview with Kevin Miller, Founder of Free Agent Academy, on working for yourself, how to launch a successful business, and more. Read More
Contrary to what most of you might guess, the highest rate of entrepreneurial activity over the last few years is not Gen-Y young upstarts, but Baby Boomers in the 55-64 year age group. In fact, according to a study by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, these Boomers are actually driving a new e Read More
Find out how you can use guerilla marketing ideas to promote your startup. These ideas come from my own experience and have been tried and field tested. Read More
Want to see a way to sell your products and services easier? Try going into companies that don't get called on all that much. There are some great opportunities to be had. Read More
My friend David Brock nearly busted his gut laughing when I said, “Heck, we were doing content marketing thirty years ago. It was called print and direct mail.” He wasn’t laughing at me, he was laughing with me, because things have not changed as much as some people would have us believe. Then Davi Read More
Yes I mean everything.

Embracing this mindset is the first, and most critical, step in becoming a master negotiator.

Disgusted? Intrigued?

Are you fingers just itching to comment?

Read on so you can set me straight or declare your newfound mindset. Read More

15 Ways To Promote Your Business

Avatar Posted by JackieP under Marketing
From 4917 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingm8 on February 9, 2011 8:37 am
Promoting your business has never been cheaper or easier than it is today. We are not so much a global village but a giant neural network interconnected through social media.
Here's the first installment of 15 promotional ideas to build your business and brand. Take a look to see how these will Read More

How to Market Your Brand on Facebook Places

Avatar Posted by sprout_insights under Social Media
From 4918 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on February 12, 2011 4:04 am
Though Facebook Places is intended for small and local businesses, top brands have come up with some creative ways to drive brand awareness using the Foursquare-like location and “check in” service. Read More
Talk about cause marketing gone bad! The conversation - online and off - overwhelmingly votes Groupon's Super Bowl ads as the winner in bad taste awards. Read More
Here are a few things you should NEVER say in public relation to make sure you're not just turning the reporters off. Read More

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