Smallbusinessadvertising voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What are your plans for using social media in your small business in 2011? In a recent post, small business consultant Jason Kienbaum mentioned a bunch of social media sites small business owners should be aware of in 2011, including Thanks for the shout out Jason! We can think of at Read More
Make your readers interested to give their thoughts encouraging them by asking a question, tell them about what you are up to and get their feedback Read More
The Tycoon Playbook reveals to you the time proven strategies and tactics of self-made billionaires and tycoons.
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The other day, I was having breakfast with a great friend, one of the most talented marketing executives I have encountered.  Unwittingly, we had the same Read More
As busy as we all are, taking the time to document processes and procedures is worth the time. What is your organizational style? Do you have to research answers and procedures that you’ve done before? Read More

Tips to Organize & Manage Your Documents and Email

Avatar Posted by keepupweb under Startups
From 5007 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on January 9, 2011 12:45 am
Tips on organizing and managing your email inbox and the files on your computer. First off, think of your computer as one big filing cabinet organized with “green hanging” folders and then “manila folders” inside each hanging folder. Read More
Now, I am not going to pretend that I am a fashion expert but recently an infomercial for Pajama Jeans caught my eye. At first glance, the Pajama Jeans infomercial feels like a Saturday Night Live sketch but the product is real and can be thought of as “pajamas to live in and jeans to sleep in.” Read More
Is Bigger always better in Business? At 2,717 spectacular ft. the answer might seem "Yes!"

But consider the pathetic occupancy rate in the tower that nobody wants to be in.

A story of "too big for your britches" and Business Implosion! Read More
Yesterday, we briefly reviewed how testimonials, as an advertising tactic, can help a business. I described how Amazon, Ebay and Zappos built their entire businesses around the concept of customer testimonial in the form of a feedback. They hinge on testimonials to gain the confidence of customers. Read More
Differences of opinion at work are inevitable and often integral to innovation, problem-solving, and performance improvement. But knowing that most clashes have benefits does not make them any easier to manage. Disagreements with coworkers can be uncomfortable, and if handled poorly, result in unpr Read More

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