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Don't Fight Your List - The Pipeline

Don't Fight Your List - The Pipeline - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5489 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 23, 2009 3:50 pm
Once you have a process for qualifying leads, and you have a list that has gone through the process, don't rethink, follow through and engage. Read More
If you have friends who don't sell for a living, send them a link to this video so they can see what you go though! Read More

Are You Who You Say You Are? Time for a Reality Check

Are You Who You Say You Are? Time for a Reality Check - Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From 5490 days ago
Made Hot by: patm on June 23, 2009 11:29 pm
2009 I almost half over. Isn't it time you take a realistic look at you? Read More

A Random Walk Up Sales Street

A Random Walk Up Sales Street - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5490 days ago
Made Hot by: shanegibson on June 23, 2009 3:39 pm
A weekly round of observation, stumbles and bumps while strolling up both side of Sales Street. Read More

How to Get More Referrals Using Offers

How to Get More Referrals Using Offers - Avatar Posted by ianbrodie under Sales
From 5492 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 21, 2009 12:22 pm
One of the biggest challenges I find clients have when trying to get more referrals is that their referrers (the people they've asked to introduce them to someone) struggle to make the introduction sound attractive to the potential client. By developing offers which your referrers can make to their clients, you change the relationship from doin Read More
Rather than trying topick the time, try to make the call. Read More
Although the familiar poems says "Roses are red, violets are blue, Read More
Okay, so you're probably not Halle or George, so what to to do now? Read More

Ditch Your Pitch

Ditch Your Pitch - Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From 5493 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 21, 2009 12:26 pm
Do you want to sell like Billy Mays? Dear God, I hope not. Read More

“Twitter Hype Punctured By Study” - Tweet All About It

“Twitter Hype Punctured By Study” - Tweet All About It - Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Sales
From 5493 days ago
Made Hot by: Peri on June 20, 2009 9:41 pm
Micro-blogging service Twitter remains the preserve of a few, despite the hype surrounding it, according to research. Just 10% of Twitter users generate more than 90% of the content, a Harvard study of 300,000 users found. Estimates suggest it now has more than 10 million users and is growing faster than any other social network. However, Read More

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