Starresults voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You can tell what an organisation's answer to this question is by how it manages its bids, tenders, proposals and responses to Invitations To Tender and Requests For Proposals (ITTs/RFPs). And by its win rate. Read More
A tutorial that will focus on what it means to become a thought leader. Learn more about the benefits of building a reputation as an expert in your industry. Read More
One of my least favorite activities as both a young sales representative and a young sales manager was reviewing pipelines. Why? Because as a young sales person I was never taught what opportunity really meant, and as a young sales manager I was not skilled at teaching others. Read More
In this episode Karl discusses how Sales Evangelists become conduits of new ideas and information. By sharing what others are doing and the results of innovative ideas, we can help people adopt new concepts. Read More
Sometimes managers get caught up in talking about the numbers over and over and over again. Although it is mostly about the numbers, it is also important to know... Read More
Asking questions is a start, asking the right questins to fully engage the client is the goal. Don't be shy of asking the right questions if it does move the sales forward. Read More
Preempting objections is an important strategy that most successful sales people apply. Often we will have several obejctions that come up about our product, service or company on a regular basis. There are also things that lose deals that prospects will not tell us they are worried about. Your assignment today is to listen to the podcast and t Read More
This is part part 5 of the 19 Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Secrets inspired by Jay Levinson and adapted by Shane Gibson (me). Here's today's 3 Guerrilla Social Media Marketing Tips: 12. Dependent — “The guerrilla's job is not to compete but to cooperate with other businesses. Market them in return for them marketing you. Set up tie-ins Read More

They're the Only Brand that Won't Do WHAT?

They're the Only Brand that Won't Do WHAT? - Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From 5506 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbiztrends on June 3, 2009 8:37 pm
Huh? Did I just hear my customer say that? WTF? Read More
Beware of these customer questions. They can throw you off course! Read More

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