Thursdayb voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Chaos doesn't have to overwhelm small business owners. Small Business Owners have to be wary of the impending chaos that looms beyond the horizon of their business. This is especially true to new entrepreneurs who are just starting with a small business and are inexperienced on the intricacies of the business world Read More
He's not your usual rocker! He's highly-educated, hosts TV and radio shows. And...he's a fully licensed airline pilot.

When the band tours, it is he to whom the band turns to as pilot. Enjoy the video Read More
Didn't land the job, contract or project?

Here's a GREAT questionnaire I developed to find out why! It allows you to obtain feedback, improve your business marketing and get your foot through the proverbial door! Give it a try Read More
In yesterday's blog, we covered the ways weak international business writing can destroy your brand. Now, here's a look at what can make your international communication weak along with ideas for how to strengthen it. (I get up on my soapbox for one thing in particular. Read More
Recessions are the perfect time to start a business: FedEx, Microsoft, Burger King and even GE were started during the recessions the U.S. has experienced over the years Read More
Maintaining a blog with new and exciting posts every day gets tedious. Finding topics and writing about them in a compelling way, that is different from all the bloggers out there can become a full time job and, for many writers, is their biggest challenge Read More
A lot of productivity advice seems to concentrate on making ever more elaborate lists. The thing is, writing a list isn’t some magic bullet. A list won’t necessarily help you get things done – and even if it does, it may still not be working Read More
Venture capital — capital investments made by either private investors or investment firms — focus on giving new businesses the money they need to grow rapidly. Of course, venture capitalists expect a profit from their investments; they look carefully for companies with a potential for major growth so that they can realize a profit during an IPO or sale of the company. Most venture capital investments are made in exchange for shares in the company. Venture capital can be an option for certain small businesses, although not all companies are a good fit Read More
Selling your business may be your ultimate goal when you start the company, or it may be a decision you come to after years of running it. Either way, you want to be able to smoothly transition your business to a new owner when the time comes. That can take planning Read More
Are you a plate spinner? No, really – I’m not talking about literal plates floating around in the air; I’m talking about the personality profile called a “scanner” by Barbara Sher in her book, Refuse to Choose. I fought, argued, and wrestled with lots of different productivity suggestions, some from my peers and friends, and others from the tips in widely regarded productivity systems, like GTD. But it wasn’t until a very close confidant pointed me in the direction of Refuse to Choose did I really find my groove Read More

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