Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

They yell, "I don't agree!" when you least expect it. They demand, "I need it . . . now" no matter what you're doing. And if they think you're not paying them enough attention, they throw a bloodcurdling fit. Exasperated and exhausted, you want to yell, "You're getting a time out--that's it!" Except you can't, because it's your client, not your 2-year-old. Read More
Online video has leveled the playing field for small businesses to compete with larger companies. Video is creating mini-celebrities out of small business owners. Read More
Interview with Craig Daniel from Visible Gains on online video, online video apps and turning videos into customers. Read More
Did you know that by following a proper wrapped around a CRM system will typically increase your revenue per salesperson by 41% and decrease your sales and marketing costs on average by 23%. See other positive statistics for a CRM system. Read More
In advertising and marketing, the humble adjective is key! The power of description can transform the mundane into the compelling, the common into the exceptional, and in the case of one restaurant...the tasty into the mouthwatering and delectable! Tips and advice to describe your business to success and profitability... Read More
Try to recall how it was, when you had to do homework. When did you start to do this? One night before? Two nights? Probably not earlier. Read More

A Golfers Guide to Project Management Success

Avatar Posted by Barneyausten under Management
From http://blog.myprojecttracker.com 5288 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggertone on April 8, 2010 9:24 am
A Golfers guide to Project Management Success. A good game of golf and a well run Project have a number of key traits in common. Read More
There has been a huge increase in 'noise' about social media and how it's changing the way people are experiencing the web. Is Social media replacing the need for website owners to optimise their websites for the search engines? Read More

How Insane Are We?

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Management
From http://bloggertone.com 5288 days ago
Made Hot by: jnelson on April 7, 2010 4:40 pm
Einstein had some pretty quotes but my favourite one is the one that goes: insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results Read More
Since coming to the throne in 1999, King Abdullah of Jordan regularly dresses up as a commoner to inspect his kingdom "incognito!" It gives him a highly-accurate perspective of what is going on around him. What can we as businesspeople learn from this unique approach? Lessons, tips and advice abound... Read More

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