I'm not sure that customers want to create a level playing field. I think customers want to stack the decks in their favor---in favor of helping them achieve their goals, and produce results. If we do our job right--we can align ourselves with the customer, stacking the deck to allow each of us ach Read More
In order for your business to grow, you need to expand your customer base. That means finding new clients to buy your products or services. But, what methods will help you attract the most people? Read More
Learn simple steps that you can take to make your existing clients to buy more from you. Sales advice. How to quickly increase your sales from existing clients. Read More
Landing page optimization tips. Find out how to create a landing page that sells. Tips and advice on writing landing page copy. Read More
It is impossible to keep it all in our heads! We need to document our plans, we need to use the plans to guide our actions, keeping us focused, on target, moving forward purposefully in the execution of our strategies. We need to document our plans--they provide the basis for what we do every day. Read More
With 2012 off and running, many small businesses are looking to make their return on investment (ROI) more productive than the last 12 months. In the event your company’s sales are lagging behind where they should be, it never hurts to stop and look at the head of sales and see if he or she is prop Read More
Don't get me wrong. To engage in these business conversations, we have to understand business---both business in general, but more specifically our customers and their businesses. We have to analyze their businesses, we have to look at opportunities they are missing, things they can do differently, Read More
This is going to be a 7 week process, and every week I'm gonna share with you what I'm working on. The topics I'll be covering are: Coming up with ebook topics, Outlining your ebook, Ebook length, Naming your ebook, Creating ebook worthy content, Designing and styling your ebook, Releasing your ebo Read More
Once you have self-published your ebook on Kindle, you need to promote it. Here is how to go about getting some attention for your book Read More
The issue is are we important enough for the customers to invest in now? We may have great business cases, but regardless how compelling the business case, if we aren't at the top of the hit parade of our customers' strategic initiatives, we won't get the order. Read More

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