The issue is are we important enough for the customers to invest in now? We may have great business cases, but regardless how compelling the business case, if we aren't at the top of the hit parade of our customers' strategic initiatives, we won't get the order. Read More
See things have changed. Regardless how compelling our value proposition, how great the business case, how much the functional or departmental executives may argue for our solution, executives aren't finding the money. More than ever before, executives are investing in things that support their str Read More
Learn 6 techniques that can improve your sales presentations. Find out how to deliver a sales presentation that sells and get your prospects to buy from you. Read More
There is a hidden performance and resource drain that can have a dramatic impact on our success. It's the abandoned deal. Read More
Creating great value for the customer, developing meaningful relationships requires a careful balance of push and pull. They can't exist by themselves--we can't have push only strategies, nor can we have pull only strategies. We have to purposefully execute both. Read More
When it comes to marketing, most of us think "ad copy" or "sales pitch" or "running ads", etc... However, one facet of marketing that is equally as important is your product packaging.

Not only can packaging grab a shopper's attention and persuade him or her to buy it - it can also increase the Read More
More sales calls means more new business. But are you or is your organization really talking to enough leads, prospects and customers every day? Read More
Case study: Was it reasonable to ask the inside team to absorb more accounts versus hiring more reps? Answer: Let's reason with math, not anecdotes. Read More
In sales, little mistakes have the potential to kill a deal. Avoid these mistakes in your sales process and win more sales for your small business. Read More
Everyone sells - bloggers are no different. A good salesman must possess certain qualities. Here is how bloggers can sell products and services well. Read More

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