With the possible exception of the IPad 2, demand is perishable--always. If a customer calls with a need to buy, it's critical to respond as quickly as possible. No let me change that, regardless of when a customer calls, it's critical to respond as quickly as possible. Read More
A series of two articles giving 14 tips to small businesses on how to write business proposals efficiently, using proposal writing software Read More
Part two in the series, in this webnar we build out on tactics relating to triggers and events. In this webinar, we look at how to extend the basics allowing you to engage before the event. Read More
Any recommendations that would violate the building of trust, that indicate that you lack integrity, or that prove that you are dishonest is simply awful advice. Read More
Anti-cat people, like I once was, are challenged by feline independence and the seemingly impossible task of training them. Training and herding top sales producers and cats are not very different, but both are doable.[...] Read More
A couple of weeks ago I wrote a piece, What We Miss About Sales Metrics. In some of the discussions around that piece and in a number of separate discussions I've seen around the different sales communities, I've been amazed at some of the zealotry around metrics. Read More
With all the advancements in sales, it seems many sale people are loosing site of their role, driving revenue. While no would advocate a return to hard selling, has the pendulum swung to far and caused sales to become soft, and as a result less effective? Read More
What makes great hunters in sales is the fact that they, more than anyone else, observe the law of the farm. Read More
The first 90 days in any job is critical to your success. What you accomplish in your first 90 days sets the pattern for you and the organization over a much longer period. Everyone knows this, unfortunately, too many squander the opportunity to have their greatest impact by acting too soon.

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After Qualifying, I believe the Discovery Phase of the sales process is the single most important part of the entire process. If executed well, it is where the customer lays out the road map for how the sales person can win the deal. Yet too often, sales people lose this opportunity, choosing to ra Read More

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