Chick Fil-A recently saw sales reach $3.2 billion; and they attribute the huge increase to the teachings of Jesus. What can we learn from the Scriptures? Read More

1. to move by argument, entreaty, or expostulation to a belief, position, or course of action
2. to plead with; urge

The notion that the fundamental job of a sales or marketing professional is to persuade prospects to take some “course of action,” as Merriam-Webster puts it, Read More
“Rainmaking Conversations” is a colorful, personal, intelligent revival of great business conversations. The tone is set at the beginning with a quote from etiquette expert nonpareil Emily Post who agreeably they call in a later reference, someone who “could have been a sales consultant.”
“I Read More
While you are sleeping, someone who is willing to outwork you is outselling you. The great game of sales is all about hustle. You have to close the hustle gap. Read More
Sometimes I hear from frustrated entrepreneurs that their new sales manager isn't getting enough done fast enough. They expect too much, too soon. Read More
On Friday, I had the pleasure of speaking with my friend Charlie Green (as well as the rest of the group on Future Selling Insitute's Office Hours). Charlie reminded me of a critical issue--I think I knew it, but it was unconscious. Charlie reminded me that leadership, and sales, is so complex that Read More
YPS has a client south-O-the-border that provides a never-ending stream of insights along with new perspectives on proven best practices. Just last week, I watched an exchange between their sales leader and one of the top reps that hit me (and the rest of the group) right between the eyes. It pla Read More
While technology is important and continues to contribute to and improve B2B selling, it is not a replacement for the sales professional. True sales professionals can and do engage those who automation misses, which just happens to be the majority of the potential market. Read More
Salespeople love to complain that all the customer cares about is the price. When we don’t get a deal, we’re quick to point to our higher price as a major cause of defeat. My friend Anthony Iannarino has written extensively Read More
If Oprah can have a book club, why can’t we? I am inviting you to join me in a new venture: The Sales Blog Book Club. Read More

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