Adam_Gottlieb commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Perceptions, Biases, & Stereotypes: Accepting Differences in Thinking in Business & Life
"Hi Susan, "...when I saw the ping back with the title I did freak for a second when I saw racism." I realized after I had submitted the post to Bizsugar that the title gave the wrong impression, but I was unable to change it at that point to something more subdued. Sorry to freak you out ;) "Those unwilling to listen or take a step in understanding the other person's point of view I have found at times is because they are in some way afraid that what they believe to be true may not not be." I think everyone has this to some extent- some more than others. This is where the idea of trust comes in. When you fully trust the one who's giving the message, then it a creates a space in which your view point can change without feeling as threatened. Adam "The Business Hall-of-Greed: What to Do with That Damn Billion Dollars in My Pocket?
"What an ugly building! But don't forget... if Mr Ambani paid $1.2 billion, that means *some* of that money was pumped into the economy over there- ie the workers who built the structure (though they probably got minimum wage), the businesses that provided the materials, etc. It's better that he spends the money then having it sit in some hidden coiffers... And don't forget also that one day he'll leave this world and all his money behind... If he wants to be remembered by the ugly building he lived in and not by the acts of kindness he did, then so be it. Adam"Competition Versus Collaboration
"Welcome, Patricia! You bring up some very good points... However, since most people go into business to make money, it may be very hard for them to be of the opinion that " success can only be determined via customer satisfaction and not by profit margins." In truth, collaboration and competition are not mutually exclusive. Collaboration is a vital business tool precisely because it makes those businesses that rely on it, more *competitive.* In other words, the collective knowledge, expertise, and resources gives the businesses that know how to use them, a leg up on their competition. So too, for that matter the idea of "open communication" and "building trust"- they are fast becoming standard business strategies (by the businesses who are smart enough to realize what's happening) based on trying to maximize profits, and not on the actual value of their customers (unfortunately). Adam "Customer Perceptions, Love Them or Hate Them?
"Great article, Susan. "It is very difficult to change perception unless the person is open to discussion." This is such a vital point, yet it often takes a significant amount of time before the company or the marketer "gets it." There are so many factors that go into what determines a customer's perception, and these factors may change given different demographics and nationalities. This is why it is *so* important to conduct market research both before launching a product as well as when a product is already being sold and marketed. Adam"Is Your Business Prepared for a Disaster?: A Guide to Small Business Disaster Planning
"Rivkah, Very true... but it's amazing how people can turn a blind eye to an impending disaster even when it's pounding on their door. It's kind of like the musicians playing music as the Titanic is sinking. Thanks for the comment. Adam"Is Your Business Prepared for a Disaster?: A Guide to Small Business Disaster Planning
"Yoni, Life in Israel... it's not hard to see why so many growing up in this country have to be so tough on the outside: the possibility of death and the struggle for survival is just a normal part of life... By the way, if you would actually have to use that room for its intended purpose I don't think you'd be worried too much about being "out of business" for a little bit :) Adam"How to SABOTAGE Your Business Blog Article with a Bad Title in 4 Easy Steps!
"Yep, I do this all the time... For those who are creatively-challenged or who have very limited time to give to their blogs (like me), there are actually headline "formulas" you could try to stick to. A good article to look at is over at copyblogger: Great post (and illustrations), Yoni. Adam"Are You Charging Too Little? A Step-By-Step Guide to Putting a Price on Your Services
"Yoni, I can tell you from experience, I've worked with some of those $2-$5/hr people, and the quality of what I got back was atrocious (and that's an understatement). As the saying goes: you get what you pay for. In the case of an extremely competitive industry, such as freelance writing, the best way to go is NOT to compete on price. In fact, if your work is quality (which I can tell that it is), then you may be able to actually charge *more*- but then you need to resist the urge to drop back down in price. Instead, focus on building and promoting your writing niches ***without sounding too desparate for work***. Make sure your website in particular is up to date, easy to navigate, and professional-looking (You may want to consider investing in someone who can help you with this... just do your research to make sure you get someone good) Adam "Subscribe
Perceptions, Biases, & Stereotypes: Accepting Differences in Thinking in Business & Life
"Yoni, I don't think so many people would attend such a presentation... It's a very sensitive topic- especially among people who have been the victims of racial discrimination or those who hold on to many stereotypes themselves (but don't want to admit it.) My point is that you can recognize a person or a group's inherent worth and still acknowledge their differences. I think people are afraid to at the risk of coming across as racist or culturally insensitive. And I also enjoyed that Dolf Lundgren post... that's why the link's there Thanks for getting past the title to actually read the article :) Adam"