Adam_Gottlieb commented on the following stories on BizSugar

To Outsource or Not to Outsource?: A Guide for Small Business Owners

"Very important “two cents,” Duncan (Businessavante)... This is one of the major difficulties that can arise when working with temporary staff in general- whether they are filling in for someone or they are working a seasonal position. How do you motivate them to do a decent job (and to do it with a decent attitude)? When this is an issue, it can create a very unpleasant situation for everyone involved (as you described above). Here are two things that can help remedy the situation: 1. Spend more of an effort in the vetting process. Just because someone is doing temp work doesn't necessarily mean that he or she will do a substandard job. There are some very good temp workers out there. You just need to know where and how to look. If you hire temporary staff on your own then make sure to check up on their references and ask interview questions that will help you to get a feel for their attitude and motivation level. If you are working with a temp agency and are having difficulties with the people they are sending then communicate that to them. If your gripes are reasonable and the agency doesn't respond, then maybe find a new temp agency to work with. 2. Sometimes the biggest problem (and solution) lies with the employer. As I mentioned in my post, if the employer doesn't value the role the temp workers fulfill in the business, then the workers won't value it either. And *everyone* wants to feel valued, everyone wants to feel that they are making a difference- even those college kids who are just buying their time. So how can you make a temp worker feel valued?: Acknowledge their work (and their existence as people), offer compliments, and feedback, and maybe even a small bonus along the way. There will always be difficult people, but those employers who try to do this will see the difference that it brings the vast majority of the time. Adam"

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