These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

If you’re going to implement a social media strategy, you might as well do it right. Right? That means that you can’t just sign up for an account, create a Page and sign in once in awhile or whenever the mood strikes. Like any other marketing strategy, you need to go in with a plan. Social media is Read More
College consumer behavior classes love to use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a basis for understanding consumers’ motives. The company/product that best meets the four levels (physiological, safety, love and belonging, self worth) of Maslow’s pyramid is going to be the most successful at convincing Read More
For smaller site owners, this isn’t a terrifying prospect. While the entire optimization process (keyword research, rewriting content, creating Meta tags and descriptions, etc) can take a while from start to finish, a website that only has 50-100 pages isn’t going to have to spend the next month im Read More
In celebration of Halloween, here are a few spooky SEO tactics to avoid because they will certainly come back to haunt you! Read More
I’ve been in the Internet marketing industry for over 12 years, but that doesn’t mean I still can’t learn something new! A few weeks ago I did a SEO Q&A with One of the questions asked me about reverse SEO. They defined reverse SEO as “… “optimize[ing]” a site so that it falls ra Read More
I’ve written my share of posts explaining why a business blog is valuable, but some site owners still feel like blogging is just another uphill battle for their business to take on. It’s no easy task setting time aside every day to write a new blog post and then commit to promoting it (essential fo Read More
A few weeks ago we wrote a post about Google Places and an issue that we were having with getting an accurate listing live again after our office location moved. What happened was that after trying to update our Place page, it was removed completely until we could verify the listing via the code on Read More
A recent BrightEdge social share report found that nearly 50% of the top 10,000 websites do not offer social sharing links. Social sharing links, also known as share buttons, are the little widgets at the top (usually, although sometimes the bottom) of a blog post or article that allow your reader Read More
I came across this great post the other day on Written by Stoney deGeyter, it’s 30+ SEO analogies that struck me as funny and yet so very true at the same time. I believe in having a sense of humor about your work and this post was right up my alley. One of my favorite analog Read More
There are millions of websites out there, maybe even trillions, and yours is only one of them. Talk about competition. While it’s true that not everyone is interested in or looking for the same things, that’s still a lot of distraction. It’s necessary to have a business website in today’s day and a Read More

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