These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

In a previous post about blog topic ideas, I explained how customers’ questions, product features/benefits and your website FAQ were all good places to start looking for blog topic ideas. If you’ve found yourself struggling one again to come up with good blog topic ideas to keep your content market Read More
Yes, we are suggesting that maybe not all blogs need a comments section. To most social media and online marketing strategists this concept may seem blasphemous. “A blog is supposed to be about sharing thoughts and ideas between author and reader!” “How are you supposed to know what your readers th Read More
Many businesses don’t have the internal resources to fully commit to content marketing, so they look to hire a freelance copywriter to shoulder most of the work. If you don’t have the writing skills or time to devote to content marketing, this is a great idea! A good professional copywriter has the Read More
Should an intern be handling your social media? The long and short answer is no. I’ve worked with plenty of interns in my 12+ years in the professional world. Some have been great and some were less than stellar. With interns, you can never be sure of what you’re going to get or how fast they are g Read More
Every business should have a blog. Unfortunately the number of successful business blogs is much less than the number of business blogs that have failed. Failure is typically the result of blog owners not dedicating enough time to the blog. They may start out with the best of intentions but once th Read More
There are a lot of blog posts out there about how to hire an SEO firm (I freely admit that I have written some tips myself!), but most of them deal with what a potential SEO client should be looking for in an SEO provider. I decided it was time to take a different approach and instead and am focusi Read More
Arguably the single most important thing you can do for your site, keyword research and selection form the cornerstone of the rest of your SEO campaign. The keywords you choose will affect you can find your site and with what search phrases. Your keywords will also help shape the content you write, Read More
Without a solid content marketing strategy it’s impossible to have any long term traction with search engine optimization. SEO is the process of creating content (on your website and throughout the web) that will attract the attention of search engines and establish relevance in order for them to d Read More
The beauty of the English language is that the same words can have multiple meanings depending on user-intent. For SEO, this means that not everyone searches for the same thing in the same way. For instance, someone might be looking to buy a scooter which means they could user any of the following Read More
The SEO process can sometimes be more challenging for a larger company than for a smaller company. There are more hands in the pot and more red tape that can lengthen the process and sometimes lead to a standstill. While SEO is a long term online marketing strategy, it’s still important for the pro Read More

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