These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Marketing is an extremely important function of business. However, it seems like many companies seem to mess it up somehow. They use outdated techniques or don’t spend time actually understanding their target audience in order to satisfy a need. We thought it would be fun to take a look at some of Read More
Chances are good that if you’ve hired an SEO consultant or have been reading about SEO and doing research on your own that you’ve heard how great blogging can be for SEO. It’s an opportunity to write new keyword rich content for the search engines to index on a regular basis and is another place to Read More
Social media and SEO are more intertwined than ever before; just look at the creation of the latest social network, Google+. Google, the undisputed king of search, is making a viable attempt at entering into the realm of social media, solidly owned by Facebook. Meanwhile, Facebook and Bing have for Read More
While businesses are finally warming up to the idea of social media marketing, many still don’t entirely get it or trust themselves to carry out a legitimate strategy. So, they think about outsourcing. While there are plenty of pros and cons to think about when it comes to outsourcing social media, Read More
Nick Stamoulis (781-999-1222 ) discusses why it is important to take a diverse approach to link building. Relying too heavily on one type of link not only limits your SEO, but could potentially backfire is that link type is ever declared as black hat by the search engi Read More
The search engines don’t take kindly to sites that try to manipulate the search results in their favor. Black hat SEO firms and spammers are constantly looking for new ways to twist the ranking factors. For instance, having a lot of links pointing to your site is important for SEO, so spammers get Read More
When you choose to hire an SEO company to handle your search engine optimization, it doesn’t mean that you can sign the contract on the dotted line and then disappear. You should view your SEO provider as a partner, someone that you work with, not just someone that works for you. Throughout the pro Read More
Online marketing and the components that make up an integrated online marketing campaign (social media, SEO, content marketing, link building, reputation management, etc) don’t qualify as “set it and forget it” tools. Sure, there are tools to automate some of the daily tasks of online marketing, su Read More
The most important thing to remember when it comes to conducting your keyword research is that you have to understand your user. If you don’t understand how people are searching for your product, you’ll never be able to target the right keywords. For instance, you might call your product a “workfor Read More
Links have always been an important search engine ranking factor. The more relevant, inbound links pointing to a webpage, the better the chances are that that page will show up in a search result for the targeted keywords. In addition, social signals is now an important ranking factor as well. If p Read More

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