These stories submitted by Nickstamoulis will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Since SEO is the practice of making changes to your web content in order for the search engines to find and deliver targeted visitors to your website, the target audience of an SEO campaign is the search engines, right? Wrong. The target audience of any online marketing strategy (including SEO) sho Read More
Ever since we started school we were taught the importance of spelling and grammar. If we made spelling mistakes in a paper we were docked points. Sure, Microsoft Word’s autocorrect feature comes in handy, but mistakes still slip through the cracks. Spelling in the business world is just as importa Read More
Inbound marketing could also be called “opt-in marketing.” The basic premise of inbound marketing is to make your site appealing to those that are already looking for it. Instead of trying to force your message on your target audience, you are setting your site up to be found when your audience nee Read More
A recent study found that the social bookmarking site StumbleUpon accounts for 50% of all traffic derived from social media , surpassing even Facebook as the leading source of traffic. While we have to take these numbers with a grain of salt—StumbleUpon exists solely to share links, while Facebook Read More
Inbound marketing strategies like SEO are all about the content, but what if you have none? Well, you pretty much have two options. You can hire an in house content writer or outsource the work. Depending on the size of your company, you may not need to hire a full time or even part time staff memb Read More
The first part of an SEO campaign involves research and on site optimization. Phase two is link building, which is an ongoing campaign to increase a company’s brand and website in the search engines by building trust. Once on site optimization has been completed, a 12 month link building strategy n Read More
We are all a little guilty of taking the easy way out sometimes. Maybe we didn’t have the time or energy to give it our all or maybe we thought we could get away with doing the minimum for a while. Whether it was your personal or professional life, just about everyone has taken a few shortcuts here Read More
While SEO can be defined by what it IS: the practice of making changes to your website in order for the search engines to find and deliver targeted visitors to the website and building links to establish relevance and search engine trust, it can also be defined by what it IS NOT: Read More
Like any other marketing campaign that you have ever or will ever implement, there is a certain amount of work that should be done before you can start optimizing your website and building inbound links to increase search engine traffic. Without having enough background information or doing proper Read More
It’s happened to me dozens of times, and it will probably happen a dozen times more. I’ll be pitching a potential client who I think is a good fit, only to have them go with another SEO company that is offering the same services for the low, low price of $99.99 a month! I understand that companies Read More

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