BuyerZone voted on the following stories on BizSugar

While the focus on what’s changing on the ground remains a primary component of a company’s overall customer experience strategy, it’s also important to consider what changes must be made to higher level staffing to ensure those responsible with overseeing a shift toward total omnichannel integrati Read More
We all know that it takes skill and patience to be a successful Affiliate Manager. Tracking and optimizing launched campaigns while discussing new partnerships keeps the day filled with plenty of communication and analysis.

The best Affiliate Managers always make sure to follow up on conversatio Read More
By 2016, more than half of the dollars spent in US retail will be influenced by the web, according to Forrester analysts. They also predicted US sales of $327 Billion in online commerce for 2016.

Last year, Global ecommerce sales hit $1 Trillion for the first time. Despite the quantum shift towa Read More

Excel Templates Your B2B PPC Team Needs

Avatar Posted by BuyerZone under Online Marketing
From 4014 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on October 5, 2013 12:47 am
There are 2 main parts of PPC management: Growth and Optimization. Both consist of tasks that, if not done efficiently, can suck hours out of the work day. At BuyerZone, we have built and use Excel tools to help manage our day-to-day PPC activities, ultimately saving time that can be best utiliz Read More
Delivering a positive customer experience is essential in lead generation. Although that fact has been around forever, the way in which you deliver a positive experience is constantly changing.

Well, it just so happens that our Director of Customer Operations, Maureen McCarthy, celebrated her 8- Read More
Adapting to an increasingly omnichannel retail environment is not something a traditional retailer is naturally inclined to do. Although customers identify established retailers as brands, a closer look into the components of these companies can reveal major gaps in communication and uniformity tha Read More
Cause-based marketing refers to marketing campaigns that are designed to benefit social and other charitable causes. The practice has grown in popularity in recent years – especially among retailers – as companies have come to realize that aligning their brand with a charitable cause makes sense on Read More
The dream team behind the homepage redesign consisted of members from our Marketing, SEO and Web Dev departments. Why? Because every voice counts.

For instance, you can’t make a major redesign without consulting your web dev guru, nor can you re-architect your site’s most valuable page without S Read More
Friday the 13th puts fear into even the least-superstitious people – and Marketers are a great target. In the world of online marketing, it’s so easy for something to go terribly wrong:

The website servers shut down... The email campaign you’ve been working on for 2 weeks didn’t send... Twitter Read More
Last month Nadia explained why it’s so important for you to incorporate affiliate marketing into your lead gen strategy. Today, she wants to explain what to do after you start signing new affiliates. As an Account Manager, you should always try and help your affiliates optimize your campaigns. By e Read More

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