Alenmajer voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Prospecting: The Ability to Open Relationships

Prospecting: The Ability to Open Relationships - Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5259 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on February 11, 2010 5:02 am
Salespeople open relationships. Opening relationships is built upon the ability to prospect. Successful salespeople are disciplined with their prospecting, and they obtain commitments to explore working with and for their prospects. They open relationships by developing trust, and by demonstrating their willingness and their ability to create value for their prospects. And they use every method a Read More

3 Quick Tips from the Super Bowl Champions

3 Quick Tips from the Super Bowl Champions - Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Self-Development
From 5260 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on February 10, 2010 11:45 am
I pay special attention to the way people think and behave. It gives me a “real life” perspective and an insight on new ways to keep getting better. In observing the Saints on their road to a championship, there are 3 quick tips that I will always remember about this team... Read More
Why is sales always in-sourced, could not some sales be approached the same way as IT contracting, finance temps, and other functions that can be better executed by a team of contracted professionals. What do you think? Read More

Differentiate: The Ability to Stand Out In a Crowd

Differentiate: The Ability to Stand Out In a Crowd - Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5260 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on February 9, 2010 5:44 pm
Success in sales is dependent upon your ability to differentiate your product or service in a crowded field. More important still is your ability to differentiate yourself as a salesperson. This is accomplished first by possessing and developing the ten foundational success skills, and then by developing your own personal brand. Read More
Yet again we can prove that selling is better than sex – and far less risky too. Finding new customers won’t get you into trouble either. You can have as many customers as you want, and as many as you can handle! Read More
Creating value can go beyond the usual in an unusual economy. Having your clients become reliant on you for more than just product or service can drive value for both clients and your company. Read More
Closing is the first skill or attribute a salesperson must possess. Not because they need to be able to close a deal, but because they need to obtain the commitment to open the possibility of working together, which is the first and most critical commitment the salesperson must obtain. Great salespeople obtain commitments that move the deal through the sales and buying process. Read More
Today’s podcast is an interview with Larry Chang author of What They Don’t Teach You At Stanford Business School. Larry is also a seriously Sociable! guy and can be found organizing after parties at some of the biggest social media and cultural events from South by South West to conferences at major universities across North America. In fact Larry may be the 3rd best party guy and networker I hav Read More
Influence isn’t tactical. Influence is the sum of all of the foundational attributes that make you someone worth listening to in the first place. The best salespeople possess the ability to influence and persuade others, because they are people who create trust. That trust builds relationships and it helps build results. These are the keys to influence. Read More
Many sales people have a narrow view of referrals. Not only do they limit the number of people they tap for referrals, they wait too long, and limit the scope available to them. Read More

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