Cparmele voted on the following stories on BizSugar

So you are planning to sell some stuff online. You have the products and you are ready to kill it. But do you have the right font and the right shopping cart? Here is a collection of articles that may help you. Read More
Knowing your own demographic and seasonal shifts in product interest from your customers can also give you valuable information that you can apply to your focus market. Read More
Want to check your website for broken links without having to download anything or check each link manually? Well, we’ve found a site that can help you out!

In this post, we’re going to introduce you to’s “Find Broken Links, Redirects, & Site Crawl Tool.” Read More
Unlike Groupon or other types of daily deals, offering a ticket promotion to specific consumer groups does not dilute brand integrity. For example, an exclusive deal for teachers is perceived as a “thank you”, rather than just another discounted ticket. Offering exclusive discounts can actually str Read More
Throughout my time in the Business school, I learned many things about marketing, finance, accounting, management and even some computer sciences. While all these topics are different, one thing my professors always seemed to bring up, regardless of the class, was the importance of LinkedIn. Read More
Learn about 10 social media tips Guy Kawasaki shared in a recent webinar with Hubspot. He focuses on how to get more of a social media following. Read More
It’s the little things that matter to shoppers- and that are going to set you apart from your competition when you’re all basically offering the same product for the same price. Read More
Target may be the first brand I’ve seen that is successfully engaging its customers across every major social media channel as part of one cohesive back-to-school campaign this year. And that is quite an achievement. Read More

Small Business Lessons From Tumblr

Avatar Posted by cparmele under Online Marketing
From 4110 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on June 24, 2013 1:41 pm
Your small business might not get bought out by Yahoo, but there’s several lessons about Tumblr’s development, growth and buyout that are applicable to any business. Read More
When we talk to our customers about marketing to military personnel, one of the things that we point out to them is how effectively the military community uses, well, communities. Read More

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