Jsternal voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Business coaching Australia offers executive business consulting services to Australian CEOs, business owners, business directors and senior executives throughout Australia. Clients become clients because they have a problem that you can solve. Here are the simple secret steps... Read More
The U.S. Postal Service is again in the news debating whether to drop deliveries on Saturday in a cost-cutting measure. If approved it would bring the number of days of mail service down to five, meaning bad news for the direct marketing industry (and for the millions of dogs that playfully guard the house). As we continue to debate the health of direct mail is it too soon to wonder about email m Read More

How to Advertise a New Local Small Business

How to Advertise a New Local Small Business - http://smallhomebusiness.suite101.com Avatar Posted by jsternal under Advertising
From http://smallhomebusiness.suite101.com 5241 days ago
Made Hot by: HipChick on March 3, 2010 8:37 am
When starting a new business, advertisement is very important. Here are some ideas for advertising including internet advertising and ways to get free advertising. Read More
New Rules of Business Guides for Woman-owned businesses.

OPEN created 3 New Rules Guides to provide women business owners with valuable information and tips, including expert insights focused on Marketing, Management & Finance. Familiarize yourself with these helpful resources to help grow your business. Read More
At any size, public relations is essential for a company's success. As a small company, PR can seem daunting and a luxury for larger companies who can afford it, are already experiencing some WOM (word-of-mouth) or buzz, and who are already making profits. While it may be easier to perform PR tasks with larger budgets to play with, public relations is something small businesses should definitely Read More
Tennessee Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, who is running for governor, emphasizes in a direct mail piece sent to Kingsport homes that he is “Listening. Working. Fighting for Us.” The mail piece does not say whether it is paid for by his gubernatorial campaign or by the state, but it is a “franked piece,” according to Lance Frizzell, Ramsey’s deputy chief of staff. Read More
Retail and eCommerce principles are in practice not only in the e-retail industry but in many industries. While the NRF and Shop.org serve the retail industry, smart marketers from many different industries glean knowledge from these conferences and apply it within their own industry to improve engagement and sales. The principles of eCommerce and direct digital marketing are in many ways industr Read More
There are three simple but very powerful ways you can make sure your website is found by people that are looking for your products and services. Read More
As recent as ten years ago, terms like, “renewable,” “fair trade,” and “sustainability” were considered the vocabulary of the fringe. These words were uttered mostly by those some referred to as “tree huggers” and “granolas,” and “real” entrepreneurs were more concerned with making some cold hard cash than with making a difference. That’s not to say business was completely self-centered... Read More
We’ve all heard the bleak statistics about startup failures. In fact, according to a recent study by the SBA, a mere 44% of new business startups can expect to still be doing business just four years later. If you’re not strong of heart, these numbers alone could be enough to make you want to throw in the towel before you even begin. Don’t give up just yet though. Read More

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