Keenan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Greatness in sales isn’t gained by delivering the status quo. You have set yourself apart by promising to hold yourself to a higher standard. Your dream client is going to hold you to that higher standard Read More

You Don’t Understand. We’re Different. – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 5182 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on July 25, 2010 4:59 pm
In kicking off a session with a bunch of sales reps and managers, I always try to start with a group discussion that establishes a common bond. Last week I decided to focus on something a lot of customers say that derails a sales call. The first thing I did was project the following words up on the wall:

You don’t understand. We’re different Read More
S. Anthony Iannarino looks at the implication of moving from the “80$” cam to the “20%” camp. The impact on you, your company and success. Anthony presents three questions to consider to help make the concept a reality Read More
Your behavior when you are not selling says a lot about who you are, even when you don’t want it to and even when you think it’s not fair. You are entitled to behave and believe as you wish, but how you behave and what you believe may be counted against you Read More

The First Commitment

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5184 days ago
Made Hot by: SalesBlogcast on July 26, 2010 4:06 am
Advancing sales requires a that you obtain a complex set of commitments that provide access to individuals within your dream client’s company, as well as access to the information that will allow you to win and to succeed for your client once you have done so Read More

The Time Value Of Your Customer’s Money – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 5185 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on July 20, 2010 7:04 pm
Mr. Customer, the net present value of the investment I’m suggesting is $377,000.

That’s the translation of “Many companies like yours have found tremendous value is this service of ours” into the Universal Language of Business. Just a tad more compelling, wouldn’t you agree Read More
Sales is a zero sum competition. The goal of your sales process and your individual sales behaviors and activities is to build an unfair advantage before you ever propose your solution. How do you create a playing field that is titled in your favor Read More
Successful selling requires sales behaviors that yield the desired results.Sales behaviors are determined by both knowledge and self-talk. Once knowledge is present, the salesperson's self-talk can either lift a salesperson to a new level of sales achievement or can act as a limiter on career and income growth. Read More

What Customers Hate About You - The Pipeline

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5185 days ago
Made Hot by: SalesBlogcast on July 26, 2010 4:07 am
It is still true that people buy from people, and they won’t buy from sales people they don’t like. Kelley Robertson points out seven things sellers do that buyers hate. Learn to avoid them Read More

Quick Thought For Week of 7/18/10 – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 5186 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on July 19, 2010 5:49 pm
Does a 17th century French philosopher, mathematician, physicist, and writer have something to say to 21st century sales reps about “push” and “pull” and their relative effectiveness in getting commitment?

“We never understand a thing so well, and make it our own, as when we have discovered it for ourselves.” — Rene Descarte Read More

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