Tomshark voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Despite the drop in real incomes, Americans as a whole are actually spending more.

Read on to decide if it's the right time to start a business. Read More

When Is the Best Time to Write Your Business Plan?

When Is the Best Time to Write Your Business Plan?  - Avatar Posted by BizRock under Strategy
From 4107 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on April 14, 2013 4:24 pm
You don't need to drop everything to put together a business plan. Instead, it should be a constant work-in-progress. Here's how. Read More
Lately, I have been spending some time helping business owners plan for growth and also critiquing business plans. I have to say its become apparent that there are a lot of misconceptions about the business planning process. Read More
There can definitely be a great deal of profit made when it comes to buying products wholesale and then selling retail. The key however is not only finding the right product, but also the best distribution source. Read More
Not long ago, Google teamed up with the brand Intuit to dish out a special offering for those who reside in Georgia. This particular offering is a google free website for a business, which comes packed with a free website builder to help those who are inexperienced at building websites. Read More

The Top 8 Priorities for Any One-Man Marketing Team

The Top 8 Priorities for Any One-Man Marketing Team - Avatar Posted by clickfire under Online Marketing
From 4110 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on April 9, 2013 9:13 pm
8 incredibly important marketing activities that a one-man or one-woman team can and should execute that will also start moving key metrics.

1) Set strategic and measurable marketing goals.

2) Establish exactly who your audience is.

3) Focus on the right social media platforms.

4) Sched Read More

“There can be only one” Highlander and SEO

“There can be only one” Highlander and SEO  - Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From 4111 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on April 9, 2013 3:10 pm
Just like immortal swordsmen, walking the earth, we all meet at the Gathering of the search results page. Hundreds of millions of times each day, Google is showing top 10 lists. And there’s only one spot at the top of Google for a given phrase. There can be only one… Read More

8 Ways To Mobile Click-to-Call Leads

8 Ways To Mobile Click-to-Call Leads - Avatar Posted by tomshark under Direct Marketing
From 4114 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on April 4, 2013 5:27 pm
Depending on what you are selling and your target audience, it’s highly likely there’s an app for you to advertise on. Millennial Media, Google’s AdMob and Apple’s iAd can help you find the right fit. Read More

10 Things that Plague B2B Professionals

10 Things that Plague B2B Professionals - Avatar Posted by BuyerZone under Marketing
From 4114 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on April 4, 2013 1:36 am
For those of you that have been celebrating Passover, hang in there! Today is the last day. By tonight, you'll be eating a fabulous pizza while watching the Rugrats Passover Special (or at least I'll be).

To me, the most important aspect of Passover is that it forces us to think about and face t Read More

5 Simple Ways To Increase Retail Sales

5 Simple Ways To Increase Retail Sales - Avatar Posted by crozon under Sales
From 4120 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on March 28, 2013 2:15 pm
As a retail shop owner you are most likely familiar with the peaks and troughs when it comes to sales and revenue. Although it may seem that it is out of your control to prevent these slumps in sales, there are a few steps you can take in order to ensure that the revenue continues to flow. Read More

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