Waltgoshert voted on the following stories on BizSugar

7 low-cost, low-time commitment, yet powerfully effective ideas you can use to make your local business “Picture Perfect” online. Read More
Tagging others on your small business Facebook fan page is a great way to get your page in front of new fans. It also helps build trust with other owners. Read More
This is a key moment in your marketing and sales process. It’s when marketing hands the ball off to your sales. All the marketing was practice, critical and important practice. Read More
This article is about a recent visit to a coffee shop and why the author chose one over the other. - And guess what, it had nothing to do with the coffee! It's about the experience that each place offered. So what experience does your small business deliver? Read More

Maximizing Twitter Lists

Avatar Posted by therisetothetop under Social Media
From http://blog.therisetothetop.com 5308 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on January 9, 2010 11:10 am
An overview of best practices and hidden tips and tricks to maximize Twitter lists. Includes an overview of the different ways to use the lists feature. Read More
Here are 3 Sites where you’ll want to register your local business blog and add to your link-building efforts. Read More

Critical Local Search Factors To Pay Attention To

Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Online Marketing
From http://www.webpronews.com 5308 days ago
Made Hot by: nialldevitt on January 8, 2010 5:06 am
Local search is only one sliver of the search marketing game, but it is an increasingly important one, and one that is changing rapidly. These days people are going to the web to find local businesses, sometimes more than even the phone book. Having a presence in local search is imperative for any small business, but just as imperative is being able to compete for visibility.
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Simple Competitive Intelligence Using RSS Feeds

Avatar Posted by billrice under Social Media
From http://bettercloser.com 5309 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on January 8, 2010 12:35 am
Competitive intelligence is an increasingly critical skill. The economy has made the business environment more competitive. However, the increasingly social Web is big factor.

Companies (your competitors) are leaking more information than ever into social media channels. Snooping on these dropped hints and disclosures can give you a big strategic advantage.
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Emails That Win Deals!

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Sales
From http://salesblogcast.com 5309 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on January 7, 2010 8:38 pm
One of our top performers called me to her cube today and said, “Doyle… I need your help. I was supposed to get a final decision today from a big account I’ve been waiting on. Although the prospect promised to call me… she didn’t. I’ve tried calling her and haven’t been able to reach her. It’s the end of the day, and I’m writing her an email. Can you read over it and tell me what you think…”

I Read More

50 Tips to Get You STARTED Using Twitter for Business

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From http://bloggertone.com 5309 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 7, 2010 10:38 pm
When using Twitter for business, It's important to have a plan so that you have something to measure your results against. In my experience, the individuals and businesses that fail to leverage Twitter effectively are also those who have employed no strategy and/or have not taken the time to understand how to use it.So what better way to help you to get off to a great start, than taking advice fr Read More

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