Yoni67 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

4 Ways To Be More Determined in Sales

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From http://thesalesblog.com 5328 days ago
Made Hot by: WayneLiew on February 28, 2010 7:11 am
Determination is an essential attribute of great salespeople, allowing them to succeed where others fail. Determination allows the professional salesperson to persist in their efforts to acquire new clients and to succeed in delivering the outcomes they have promised. Take these actions to develop your ability to persevere. Read More
Timing is key to success in sales. Learn how to be in front of the right prospect at the right time more often. See how you can close more and close faster. Read More

How Best to Grow & Sell More | Biz Money Matters |

Avatar Posted by TonyJohnston_CNi under Management
From http://blog.tonyjohnston.biz 5328 days ago
Made Hot by: starresults on February 26, 2010 7:54 pm
Are you looking to push big sales growth this year like so many others? Well, to avoid the disappointment of missed expectations, you best make sure your offering’s fundamentals have and will keep pace with your marketplace’s evolving reality because relying on old assumptions and guesswork won’t deliver the revenue result sought. Here’s why and what to do. Read More
When customers leave the instinct is to replace that business with new customers. Often little thought is given to get feedback as to the reasons. Your lapsed customers are actually a big source of information that your current or potential customers cannot give. Read More
Project management and parenting are very similar in terms of management skills. Parents are probably the best project managers out there! Learn from these skills! Read More
Small businesses depend on regular customers who return to the business again and again for services. And in order to grow, entrepreneurs are always on the lookout for new customers in need of the services the business offers.

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I have started to notice an increase in adverts offering crazy money for seemingly very little. If it seems too good to be true it more thn likely is. Read More
Blogging is part of most business's online marketing strategy, whether they are using search engine marketing strategies or just search engine optimisation strategies. Read More
MIssed this when it came out a week or so ago, but it’s worth posting about after the fact a bit. The Small Business Success Index reports that social media adoption among small businesses has doubled from 12% to 24% in the past year.

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Unfortunately, many small business owners give little attention to one of the most critical elements of marketing their business, their products or themselves. This article is a primer on branding that every small business owner should know well and think about each working day! Read More

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