Small business hiring is an essential (and often challenging) facet of entrepreneurship. Any business owner who’s made a bad hire (and most of us have) can tell you the pain of realizing your mistake and trying again and again to “fix” the bad hire, before you finally fire them. Not to mention the Read More
These maps show that for the average American wage, men earn more than women in every single state. This gender gap is also present with the richest people in every state. Read More
“Why can’t we enough find good people to hire?” As a consultant to business leaders, I hear this complaint with increasing frequency. From tradesmen to programmers, and from executives to scientists, we seem to be lacking a workforce with the skills and work ethic that businesses seek. Read More
It’s always painful to have an opening on your team. Often, the person you’re missing was someone you relied on; someone who got stuff done! Now they aren’t there; and who’s getting that stuff done? It’s probably you (in one way or another). That open position is dragging you down. It’s no wonder t Read More
So you believe that you are a seasoned professional. You very well might be, but here are a few things that should never ever think. These thoughtcrimes can be a real impediment to your ability to be a good manager. One of the characteristics of a good manager is their ability to show a level of ma Read More
If you’ve got a good job posting out there, and know clearly what you need to pay, you should have a solid batch of resumes to sift through. Pick out the best, and let’s set up some phone screen interviews.

But wait. Do I know what questions to ask? What do I need to know at the phone screen sta Read More
Forecasters predict there will be more freelancers in the US than full-time employees. How to attract and choose the right freelancers to join your firm? Read More
Getting your MBA is the first step toward a multitude of new career opportunities. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is one such opportunity. Read More
Offering an ‘competitive’ salary is no longer enough to attracting top talent. Here’s what top talent wants and why your brand needs to provide it.
Brands must prove that they can provide the environment and have the values that applicants are looking for. If business leaders wish to employ and re Read More
Emails fly back and forth to our inboxes every day. Used for many years, we’d be pretty lost without them as a way of keeping in touch with business clients and colleagues, and yet by the end of each day you’re probably inundated with several dozen that all need a response. Business emails are just Read More

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