It distresses me, but too often I encounter people with entitlement attitudes. They express this in various ways, I work really hard, why don't I get the promotion? I put in a lot of effort on this proposal, why didn't I get the deal? I've worked for this company for years, why are they treating me Read More
It’s okay if not everyone buys your product or agrees with your idea. Kevin Kelly suggested that many artists need only 1000 true fans to be able to make a living. The same is true about your work. America is a big place, and not everyone is going to appreciate what you make. Instead, use social me Read More
With the economy still uncertain and fears of a double-dip recession rearing their heads, many small business owners may be rethinking their prices. Is it time to cut your prices even more or offer additional deals and discounts? Or can your business not bear any further price-slashing?
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Here is Part 2 of a 5 part interview with Steve Schiffman the author of the 25 Toughest Sales Objections and How To Overcome them. Read More
We talk about accountability a lot, but we tend to gloss over the consequence sides of accountability. Being accountable for our performance goals not only means we do everything possible to achieve them and that we have internalized and own them. It also means we understand and accept the conseque Read More
Do you know what the dictionary didn't define value as? Great price, bargain, cheap, inexpensive, good deal, etc. Unfortunately though, when I say value, that is what most people think. Read More
We make it the customer's job to figure out our value proposition. Sure this was an extreme case. Yes, most of us do articulate our value proposition--at least the generic one that marketing gives us. But we leave it for the customer to sort out what it really means for them. Read More
For small business owners it is frustrating when you don't get paid on time. Use these techniques to help get your small business paid on time. Read More
But activity levels are important, Understanding the activities that are critical to our own performance and success is critical, both to help make sure we are on target to achieving our goals, and to continually tune how we work, always improving our effectiveness and efficiency. Read More
However, it strikes me as ironic. One of the most important qualifying questions we have as sales people is, Do you have a budget? We spend a lot of time trying to assess the budget the customer has, whether they can afford our solution, or which solution we want to present to fit their budget. We Read More

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