Here is an excerpt from an interview with Oren Klaff, the author of Pitch Anything. This goes over a business technique - pitching vs. selling. Read More
There were a lot of problems with the sales organization. It started with having the wrong people. But I couldn't help this CEO fix these problems. He basically was the root problem--he had hired all the people, he had created the environment in which all these people operated. Read More
All sales people are trying to get cold call success. Here is some advice from Oren Klaff, Author of Pitch Anything and a venture capital pitch man. Read More
Top performing sales people stand out from their average performing peers. They do things differently and exhibit several different characteristics. In this article, the writer explores what small business owners and sales people can learn from top performing sales people. Read More
Today, I want to take a pause in this series. Over the past couple of months, each Friday, we've looked at different performance metrics. We've focused on establishing numbers and goals for these metrics. It's worth taking some time to reconfirm what we are doing and why. Read More
This is a weekly video recorded from the Networking Education Presentation I give to my BNI Chapter every Wednesday. Wednesday’s topic was Deliver Value First. Read More
Learn how converting more leads into sales and making your sales team work more efficiently for you will increase your bottom line. Read More
Following up is instrumental in closing a sale, yet a surprising number of people don't do it. Use a CRM and sales tool to manage and close sales. Read More
One of the most effective ways to gain new customers is to give your product away. For free. Now while that might seem counter intuitive, giving away your product can actually be more beneficial to your bottom line than discounting.

I am going to to share the benefits of giving away yo Read More
The first and foremost thing you need to do is be ready and ably to sell your product or service in a snapshot. In order to get he clients you are looking for you absolutely need to be prepared to meet with your clients wherever they are and whatever they do. What will set you apart from all the re Read More

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