You think you’re doing everything right. You manage your sales pipeline with a CRM and sales funnel app, you’re great at prospecting, you follow up with leads, and you give a great sales pitch. But when it comes to getting a “yes” and closing the deal, that’s where the wheels come off. Read More
I didn’t know that there are 68 ways to close a sale, did you? Actually, there are probably even more, but 68 are listed on, a website that describes itself as “. . . the largest site in the world on all aspects of how we change what others think, believe, feel, and do.”
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Learn five habits that will make you a sales super star and help you win more deals for your small business. Read More
The real opportunity for sales and marketing is to change the conversation--the timing, content, and quality of the conversation. Our real opportunity is with customers who don't know what they don't know! Our opportunity is to help customers to think about their businesses and markets differently, Read More
Sally recently learned the difference between value proposition and cost benefit when one of her dance students did not return this fall. Jenny had been studying at her school for two years and was ready for a more advanced level. Sally told Jenny’s mother the exciting news and penciled her in the Read More
Back in the 80’s, I was fortunate enough to spend the evening with an icon in the machine tool industry at our monthly association meeting. Jay was an old school, NY sales pro in his 60’s. When I saw him, I told him I liked his tie. He immediately took it off, [...] Read More
There is a big difference between pitching and selling. See the explanation that Oren Klaff, author of Pitch Anything, gives. Read More
We are finding all the excuses to keep a deal in our funnel and pursue it as a sales opportunity. Rather than qualifying, we need to focus on disqualifying--we need to focus on finding the deals in our sweet spot, eliminating all other deals. Nothing impacts win rates more than vicious disqualifica Read More
Here are several tips you can use from Pitchman extraordinaire - Oren Klaff, that will help you prepare for a meeting. Read More
A key aspect of the manager's job is performance management. Surprisingly, I seem to run across a fair number managers that don't own this responsibility. They don't do it, or try to delegate it so someone else. Read More

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