Whether your business is large, small or somewhere in between, a video phone is the ideal solution for offering your customers and employees the ultimate in personal service. Designed for enhancing communication among satellite offices in other locales as well as customers that require business to Read More
When prospecting a new client avoid asking questions that fail to uncover your prospect’s true buying motives. Here are 11 feeble sales questions to avoid. Read More
While you'd like every email, click or visit to result in a sale, that's not the case. Qualifying leads will help your small business win more deals. Read More
‘I’d love to be a better writer but don’t have the time.’ Ever say this? Improve your writing skills in fifteen minutes a day like this Read More
Rising Tides Float All Ships, a bit of an odd title, given the current economic uncertainty. This term has been used to talk about the false sense of success many individual and executives may have about their peersonal performance and that of their organizations. Read More
I’m a recovered “objection killer.”

99.9% of sales attempts meet objections. In the early days of my sales career, I trained to exterminate objections on sight. Unfortunately, the “you have a problem, we have the solution” method undermined my customer’s real concerns and killed many sales for m Read More
I talk to lots of people about their value propositions and the business cases they have presented for their solutions. People seem to talk the talk, but in reality, I see few people really focusing on the business value of their solutions. Read More
Many businesses don't teach their sales staff how to prospect. Learn 5 best practices to improve sales prospecting for your small business.Prospecting effectively and on a regular basis will make the difference between achieving your sales goals and struggling to meet your quota every month. Read More
Fundamentally, as a customer (B2B or B2C) I don't want to be forced to discover how wonderful your customer service is. I want an extraordinary buying and usage experience. In a perfect world, I'd like to totally avoid the need to use customer service. Read More
A couple of months ago, I wrote about Pipeline Flow/Velocity. It's one way of looking at whether things are moving through the pipeline or funnel appropriately. Another simple way of looking at this is by looking at the % of Opportunities Advanced. Read More

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