Today, I get this email, it's addressed to undisclosed recipients, which is really email-speak for Dear Occupant or Current Resident.  Here's the text of Read More
Sales leadership is important in sales, and that much more now when there are opportunities in a recovering economy. Read More
We need to understand how our customer arrived at their current understanding of their needs and perceptions of our solutions. Read More
Motivating a visitor to return to your website will increase your chances of selling your product or service. Using permission based email marketing you can achieve this, and increase website sales and profits.
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But it's strange--in those thousands of conversations, there are a very large number where the people really don't want to be selling--they want the result, but they don't want to go through all the tough work to get the result. Read More
A pipeline has to reflect more than just opportunities, beyond names, actions, strategies and tactics, it needs to reflect your attitude. It's all part of execution! Read More
Is the quality of sales and marketing suffering at the expense of quantity? Balancing automation and metrics with customer centricity is the challenge of the decade. The quality of business relationships have become limited by volume-induced time constraint.

Henry Ford’s assembly line that deliv Read More
There are some times when call planning is absolutely critical and essential. You skip the planning and the dress rehearsal at your peril. Read More
Most competitive sales situations are very difficult, the margin of difference between the winner and everyone else is often very small---possibly small differences in the capabilities of the solutions, negligible differences in the reputations of alternative vendors, and probably small difference Read More
Actually sales intelligence is critical, there's an interesting conversation about this at, you should weigh in with your views. I think too many people get sales intelligence wrong--too many focus on the data. Effective sales intelligence is really about the questions---it's about the in Read More

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