Maybe "salespeople" aren't right for your smaller company, as Mark suggests, but improving your sales with a few key concepts is—and he starts right in with TEDIC—The Excuse Department Is Closed.

Don't miss this piece! Read More
When we care deeply, when we are passionate, we can get a little worked up. If from time to time someone isn’t a little mad at you, you aren’t trying hard enough. Read More
Long-term clients are what you should focus your marketing efforts on, but when you're just starting, you might need immediate income. 3 ideas to get started. Read More
We cannot define value for our customers/markets. In fact, to think we can is the height of arrogance. We cannot impose what we value, or what we think they should value on our customers. Value can only be defined by the customer--and each customer defines value differently. To be successful in sel Read More
Some sales people get to distracted by superficial things, while failing to dig down and get to the real facts. Just as you can't judge a book by its cover, you can't win customers by staying on the surface of the issues. Read More
There is a difference between a check close and a real and meaningful dialogue. The difference is your intentions. Read More
As I hung up, I wondered, why would anyone ever plan a call this way? The probability of the same outcome as his call on me is probably 99.99%. But, based on his tone and wording, he was doing what he had been trained to do, and what his script said. Read More
I am a relationships guy. Having friends is a wonderful thing, and today, with their help, I have you surrounded. Read More
I’ve been a little rash when it comes to my thoughts on why cold calling is the bottom of the barrel. When I was in sales, I was measured by the number of calls I made in a day and if I didn’t hit the “magical” number of calls my professionalism was called into question. Read More
Too often, the concept of a value proposition is focused on an event or static moment. It may be that compelling statement we make to a prospect to get that first meeting. It may be those set of bullets on everyones' web sites--usually headed by: Our Value Proposition--those generic phrases, that e Read More

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