“Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.” — John Wooden

No additional commentary from me required. Read More
If you are to stop entrenching yourself, the first thing you must learn to do is to stop defending beliefs that no longer serve you. Read More
I've been having an off line discussion on competitiveness and agressiveness in selling.   In the discussion, terms like sales is a Blood Sport,  or sales Read More
The commitments that you need to move your opportunity aren’t only for you. Most of them are equally or more important to your dream client! Read More
Everyday, at least one copy of the following email arrives in my junk mail folder. It is never addressed to me, though my email address is widely available. It's always addressed to other employees in my company: Mr. Info@... or Ms. Contact_Me@... or Ms. Enroll@... never one addressed to dabrock@.. Read More
As salespeople we often don’t hear praise from our clients.

Have you ever thought about praising someone who sells to you? Why not try it? Read More
Leveraging events is key to success in sales, but runs the risk of rendering a sales person to being reactive. As a proactive sales professional, you need to look at how to make thing happen not just wait for them to. Read More
The real gap is always between the value you create and your price, not your price and your competitor’s price. Read More
In April, OgilvyOne announced their World's Greatest Salesperson contest. I wrote a blog post, The World's Greatest Salesperson, that generated a huge amount of controversy, discussion, a number of blog posts on other sites. We were all in an uproar about OgilvyOne's position on characteristics of Read More
Gatekeepers are a pain in the you know what.
All you want to do is talk to the right person in a company because you know that if you do you will be able to convince them that your offering is the best, except every time you call, you are blocked by the dreaded gatekeeper. Read More

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