Denisefay commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How To Use Gmail Like A Marketing Machine
"Hi Mark, I use gmail and was aware of some of the features but certainly never heard of Streak. I love when someone takes the time to teach others about their little finds. I'll certainly be checking that out. Thanks for sharing your very practical tips. Take care, Denise "Fairytale Marketing: How Storytelling Can Help Businesses Drive Sales
"Hi Kimberly, They say that story-telling is in Irish blood; that us Irish are known as natural story tellers. Loved your article. I once wrote a piece for a launch of a childcare facility and wrote the history of the facility, starting with 'Once upon a time...' and it was loved by the audience. I had forgotten about it until I read this article. Thanks for helping me remember it. But I think you are spot on with your article. Take care, Denise "Has Your Marketing Message Changed with the Times?
"Marsha, I envy you. I was just thinking about Christmas gifts today and then read your article about you buying them. You make some great points - often times, businesses change their product range but keep the same message. You make a great point that I hope businesses take on board. Take care, Denise "Don't Be Afraid to Share Your Secrets
"Years ago I was told information was power. So lot of people thought that meant keeping it themselves and not sharing it. Thankfully, things have changed and people - business people, moms, dads, friends etc - are sharing information to help others. A rising tide raises all ships - thanks for putting your idea down on paper and sharing on Take care, Denise"5 Reasons Your Sales are not Growing
"Hi there, Marketing is a complex subject. It would be remiss of me as a lecturer in marketing and a marketing consultant for over 15 years not to say that your points 1 - 4 are all marketing related rather than purely sales. Marketing starts with two main questions - who are your customers and what is the market? So much of what is written these days is about tools of marketing communication. Marketing Communication is but one of the Ps that were coined back in the 1960s. I agree with your five points completely - they are incredibly valid, incredibly simple (when you put your mind to it) and incredibly useful. But there is a difference between marketing and marketing communications. As a marketing person, I would never advocate business owners spend money on advertising when a. they don't have it b. they don't test and c. if it's the only communications tool that they'll use. Small businesses and large for that matter need to get the strategic marketing basics right before embarking on a multi-pronged approach to communication. Thanks for sharing your five points. I think that every business should use them. Take care, Denise "Facebook Sticks Up for Obama Bear-Hugging Pizza Guy
"I provide marketing services to a number of restaurants so this article grabbed my attention. I think that people should only comment on a restaurant if they've eaten there. Feel free to give feedback whether positive or negative; the restaurant owner can only improve based on actual feedback. I'm watching the US elections with intrigue. It seems that in some situations, whatever party you belong to or have attachments to, you must disagree with the other party. Obama was hungry. He ate a pizza. The guy got excited that the President was in his shop. That's the fact of the matter. Whether the owner helped out in 2008 campaign is immaterial. End of. But what an interesting story - thanks for sharing on Take care, Denise"How to Choose Your First Office Space
"Thursday, I loved your advice. Just go for something that works right now. A lot of business owners, when they are making that leap, often get distracted about location, size, cabling, leasing, rates etc. Bu that distraction can take them away from their core activities - growing the business. Unless you have a company that requires storage or server space, then as you say go for something that works right now. Then move onto the next place with pride and nostalgia that you outgrew your first office. Thanks for sharing on Take care, Denise "5 Tips to Improve Email Campaigns
"One of the first things I read is the 'from' line. If I don't recognise the name or don't get a connection, then everything else fades away. I got an email from a marketing company recently that I know but it was from the marketing company, not the director or the owner or whomever. That level of impersonalisation is a no-no for me. Thanks for sharing on Take care, Denise "Subscribe
Why and How we Blog–Part Two
"Hi Marci, I love your style of writing - it's open, honest and informative. That's the first thing that struck me as I read about blogging. I've read and written on blogging, given talks on blogging and what I love about it is that everytime I read an article on blogging, I read something new. I've been remiss of blogging these days myself so thanks to your article, I've written a list of articles that I'll start pulling together. Consistency is key, I completely agree. Thanks for the reminders for us regular bloggers and great information for newbies. Take care, Denise "