Lyceum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

With the risk of losing valuable company secrets and productivity quotas, more employers believe it is OK to monitor employee communications. According to a survey by GetApp some 90% of employers across America now feel it is okay to monitor their employee’s communications.
Not surprisingly protec Read More

New LinkedIn Features Keep Your Team Motivated and Informed

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 1799 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on November 7, 2019 1:06 pm
As of 2019 LinkedIn has more than 645 million members in over 200 countries. The platform is growing its user base by continually adding new features to seamlessly bring companies and employees together.
For the Fall of 2019, LinkedIn is announcing three new Pages features to make it easier for bu Read More

Big Tech Companies and Small Business Get the Support of Andrew Yang

Avatar Posted by lyceum under News
From 1799 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on November 5, 2019 12:25 pm
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang said breaking up big tech companies will not revive Main Street businesses while speaking at Tuesday’s debate on CNN.
Yang’s comments diverged from other candidates’ calls to break up big tech, especially Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who has be Read More

Have You Heard the Buzz about Buzzwords? [podcast]

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Self-Development
From 1808 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on October 22, 2019 8:46 am
Buzzwords could both exclude and include people. Shall we use them or not? If so... when and where? Could you see the advantages and disadvantages with buzzwords?

Show notes with links to articles, blog posts, products and services:

Indian summer
List of buzzwords
Modeord (buzz-word in Swe Read More

10 Tips for Holiday Marketing from Larry Kim, Neil Patel and More

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Marketing
From 1809 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on October 22, 2019 12:48 pm
It’s time to amp up and adjust our marketing strategies for the holidays!
If you want to get ahead of the marketing game and stand out from the crowd, check out these incredible unicorn tips from the top social media marketing experts.
We’ve got insights from Mari Smith, Neil Patel, Virginia Nuss Read More
Nearly 12 million women own businesses around the country. But those businesses don’t always receive the funding they need.
In fact, only 15 percent of women-owned firms raise at least $100,000 in funding. Compare this to 28 percent of male-owned businesses.
Co-Founder and President of Kabbage Ka Read More
Vegan food products brought in more than $2 billion in the U.S. this year. And that’s just one aspect of the constantly growing market for vegan products.
As more and more people become aware of the impact of animal-based products on their health and the environment, an increasing number of people Read More
Micro-influencers can be a great solution for businesses that want to explore the world of influencer marketing. They’re not too “big” in the social sphere to be clouded by fame, but they’re influential enough to make a difference for your brand in a specific, targeted market.
Working with a micro Read More
Do you have an entrepreneur personality? Do you have the right mindset and leadership style? This personality quiz helps you see how well you fit into entrepreneurship and whether starting a business is right for you. Scroll down to take our simple entrepreneur quiz and see! Read More

Plain English and Plain Screens [podcast]

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Technology
From 1820 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on October 11, 2019 1:28 pm
Our first guest! Stefan Langemalm from PIK Solutions. What is similar between presentation skills and computer software?

Software is all about the process and the presentation. A software application most fit a large number of different users, both experts and beginners.

And how do you avoid Read More

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