Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How to Become a More Effective Woman Entrepreneur - MACs Women

Avatar Posted by macswomen under Strategy
From 4060 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on August 15, 2013 8:19 am
As women entrepreneurs, we always have that urge to do everything ourselves and accomplish everything in a day. But instead of getting us closer to success, this kind of mentality will only limit our productivity and creativity.

If you want to be a successful business leader, executive or woman Read More
Blogging has become a way of life in itself. A lot of people now earn their livelihood from there, and others are created employment for people through their blogs.

Find out those top 25 bloggers from Nigeria to watch out for in 2014 Read More
Backlink monitoring is necessary if you want to keep an eye on your site's main backbone - backlinks. It's common to lose backlinks from time to time but when multiple links are lost or removed within a short period of time, search engines like Google see it as a strong signal that such links may h Read More

4 Common Mistakes For Social Media Business Promotion

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Social Media
From 4061 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on August 15, 2013 8:06 am
So you heard that social media is in. You used it for your business promotion but you're surprised to not see results. Wondering why? Here are the mistakes that you might have committed. Read More

5 Pinterest Traffic Tips for bloggers to get free traffic

Avatar Posted by Pakiisp under Online Marketing
From 4062 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on August 15, 2013 6:33 am
Like most of the social networking addicts, if you are also wondering about the ways to get traffic from Pinterest – you have come to the right place! Read More

Why Your Business Should Start Podcasting

Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 4062 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on August 14, 2013 6:00 pm
By Daniel Adetunji:

According to Comscore statistics, males between the ages of 18-24 more likely download podcasts via Itunes… I was amazed at a report by Mediaweek. It was estimated that podcasting generated over $400 million in Ads in 2011, and the doubled has tripled in 2013.

According to Read More
We all know that google is now strict when it comes to adsense approval. Back in the days when google adsense approval is as easy as ABC even without a blog post on your blog but nowadays, any slight change in their terms and condition or adsense program policy will lead to automatic disapproval. I Read More

Make Money Online As A Stay At Home Dad

Avatar Posted by ledux under Online Marketing
From 4062 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on August 15, 2013 7:46 am
By being a stay at home dad you most definitely have some free time, when your kids are napping or playing on their own. How you can productively spend that time? Well, you could start an online business. Now, I’m not saying you to start a new Apple or Facebook. No, I’m just talking about starting Read More
"Because while you need to be there – you also need to be there wisely. Your efforts should boost your business rather than shooting yourself in the foot as a result of what you do (or don't do) while there. Just sayin'. " Read More
Happiness and happy people bring positive energy, this 2 min video from SoulPancake will make your Sunday and the rest of the week happy. Read More

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