Martinzwilling voted on the following stories on BizSugar

As a business consultant, I see many different employee cultures, from exciting and motivational, to dysfunctional and non-productive. Company leaders, as well as front-line team members usually realize when they have a problem, but most have no idea what is possible or how to change the culture. T Read More
Every entrepreneur and business owner I know has had more setbacks than they would like to admit, in this age of rapid change and constant surprises, like the current pandemic. Some are able to overcome every challenge, and come out ahead, while others are discouraged and lose ground with each one, Read More
If you really want to start a business your way without a boss or professional investor hovering over you, then just fund it yourself or through friends and family, and grow it organically. It’s more possible to bootstrap today than a few years ago, as the cost of entry continues to go down. Accord Read More
Even before the recent pandemic, when more people began working remotely, I noticed the dynamics changing in many workplaces, both between employee interaction with peers, and interactions with customers. People on both sides seem to have a shorter attention span, appear less tolerant, and less int Read More
Every business I know has teams, some working collaboratively to great advantage, while others sadly operating as collections of individuals who work alone, often in competition with each other. As a consultant, I often get asked what can be done to improve team relationships and maximize the impac Read More
Every entrepreneur I know has their favorite excuse for a previous failure – an investor backed out, the economy took a downturn, or a supplier delivered bad quality. These things outside your control do happen, but based on my years of experience as a startup advisor and angel investor, I still se Read More
Many experts are certain that successful entrepreneurs are the ones with the most inspiration (passion and dream), while others will assert that it’s about more perspiration (working harder). In my experience, both are always required in heavy doses. There are no “can’t fail” shortcuts or “get rich Read More
Even though the color of their money is always green, all startup investors are not the same. Struggling entrepreneurs are often so happy to get a funding offer that they neglect the recommended reverse due diligence on the investors. Taking on equity investors to fund your company is much like get Read More
Based on my own experience in business, the best results come from a balance of vision and creativity, combined with a clear focus on logical problem solving and results. This balance is rare and often called “whole-brain” thinking, versus the traditional right-brain or left-brain orientation. Rece Read More
Most business professionals I know have been conditioned to think of inflation as highly negative, driving up their costs, and reducing customer buying. I see it as an opportunity to find new ways to attract customers, make long-needed changes to improve productivity, and lower your own costs of do Read More

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