Shanegibson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

This article looks at the changes in pharma in 2010. The reality is that most of the changes are cosmetic and don't address the systemic issues. Read More
Listening to the radio helped me understand a couple of sales basics. When you see how others use time and value to sell their products you get an understanding of how they impact your approach. Read More

Social Media Marketing - Waste of Time. | Marketing

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From 5322 days ago
Made Hot by: thursdayb on March 5, 2010 10:27 pm
Social media is still being looked at as a waste of time by many businesses. Unwilling to take the time to understand how to approach it or to realise it's benefits, it is dismissed as a fad. To their misfortune. Read More
There are those who say the old school style of selling is dead, “The way we sell has changed.” Then there are those who remind us to “get back to basics.”

You could say that both view points are valid… but how do you know when the basics are still the basics, or...
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Don’t Just Monitor Your Brand, Watch the Niche for Sales

Avatar Posted by billrice under Social Media
From 5322 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on March 5, 2010 7:04 am
Monitoring your brand online and in social media has become a no brainer. However, if you are neglecting your niche keywords and competitor brands you are letting opportunity fall out of your sales funnel.

Here are a few examples of a great Michigan brand, Steelcase monitoring social media for sales. Read More
Before you can make an effective sales presentation, you need to know how your prospect makes decisions. How can you find out? Pay attention! Read More
Tips for building a twitter following by not being a Twitter snob. Includes tips on identifying influencers and following targeted people. Read More
It seems there are more and more people becoming self employed these days - or at the very least, many folks are starting a side business, turning a hobby into some extra income or doing some type of independent contractor work. There are some mistakes you will definitely want to avoid... Read More
As important as phones can be in our daily lives, there are some reasons to avoid them entirely. Here are ten such reasons which may actually succeed in turning you into an anti-social, handsaw-owning phone avoider.. Read More

Passion in Sales: Where Has it Gone?

Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From 5323 days ago
Made Hot by: wendyweiss on March 5, 2010 2:04 am
When I start working with a company and their sales force, it doesn't take long to identify which salespeople have a real passion for their customer, for their product, and for the sales activity. These are the individuals who have a superior drive to achieve, a sparkle in their selling eye, and a true love of their customers and their product or company. Is it just me, or are there fewer of thes Read More

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