Shanegibson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Today's podcast is about the importance of a social media calendar for individuals and organizations. I have also provides a social media calendar template that Jay Levinson and I developed for Guerrilla Social Media Marketing. Have a listen, download the sample social media calendar and then let m Read More
A common question I get from business to business focused marketers and sales professionals is: “Does social media marketing and social networking really work in the B2B space?”

I posed this same question to Jeff Booth CEO of and here was the answer he gave me:

“Social med Read More
I have been asked by a number of people what the difference is between most brands and a brand that employs guerrilla social media strategies. Today I thought I Read More

So You Learned Something. So What? – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog

So You Learned Something. So What?  – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog - Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 5044 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on September 4, 2010 1:11 pm
About fifteen years ago, I ran across a paper written by Arie De Geuss, then chief of corporate planning for Royal Dutch Shell. In it, he made one of those pithy observations that really capture the essence of sustained excellent performance. Insightful as he was at the time, it’s just not enough a Read More

PRIDE – Part II – Regiment - The Pipeline

PRIDE – Part II – Regiment - The Pipeline   - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5044 days ago
Made Hot by: billrice on September 4, 2010 1:13 pm
Part of what separates great sales people from the pack is their ability to be regimented in their actions across the cycle, not just in those activities they like. While this may present itself differently based on the person and what they sell, at the core are always discipline and accountabilit Read More

Shut Up And Do Your Forecast – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog

Shut Up And Do Your Forecast – Todd Youngblood's "SPE" Blog - Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 5045 days ago
Made Hot by: ajayjoya on September 3, 2010 4:53 am
The best of the sales managers and executives I’ve had the pleasure to work with tend to demand very few things. They expect a lot in terms of results, but are generally reluctant to lay out a long list of specific requirements. The single most common demand of the top-notch sales leader? A monthl Read More
#1 Keep giving and contributing more than the competition. Pay back will be huge.
#2 Every tweet, blog entry, comment and status update will be saved forever and is permanently part of your brand.
#3 Before permission to market comes permission to connect. There’s a lot of trust building in between.
#4 Make it easy for people to find you. While you’re out looking for business there is an entire market looking for you.
#5 “It’s not about B2B or B2C it’s about person to person marketing in social media” – @jeffbooth.
#6...... Read More
Enough. With the advent of Twitter there’s the follow Friday or #followfriday or #ff. People post lists of people they endorse or want to thank for their impact on them via Twitter. It may be the trend du jour but I feel for us hyper wired social media and web geeks People Friday is a much greater cause. We spend so much time behind our monitors or squinting at our iPhones and Blackberry’s that we have forgotten the purpose; PEOPLE. Instead of posting on Twitter how much you like someone and why everyone else should follow them online — why not meet them in person or pick up the phone and let them know how much you appreciate their efforts. It’s great to promote and connect with a broad base of people and expand our network. Intimacy and trust however is built by deepening key relationships Read More
This is another (unedited) excerpt from the new book Jay Conrad Levinson and I are writing:

Guerrillas know that social media and social networks are bi-directional communications tools. Most of your competitors will be stingy with their real level of interaction and conversations with the marketplace. Chat more, contribute more, and listen more than your competitors. Read More
Laugh and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone. How can this phrase help you become the greatest salesperson in the world? Read More

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