Swssem voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you’re active in Social Media – any kind of media, in fact — you’re probably familiar with the echo chamber, also known as the social media filter bubble. Here's how to opt out of it -- and keep an open mind. Read More
Managing and optimizing PPC campaigns can seem like a simple, straightforward process. Once you’ve done all the hard work –setting up a campaign, selecting keywords, creating ad groups, writing ad copy, establishing bid rates – shouldn’t it just run? Why do you need to keep tweaking it if you’ve s Read More
A jaw-dropping 212 million shoppers showed up to take advantage of Black Friday sales in 2010, with an even more astounding $39 billion being spent on merchandise. What this means for your business, of course, is a healthy competition to draw in as many of those 212 million shoppers and as much of Read More
Google has rolled out several updates in the last week that should make small biz owners happy. Read the news here. Read More

3 Things to Remember When Accepting Guest Blog Posts

Avatar Posted by nickstamoulis under Marketing
From http://www.nickstamoulis.com 4644 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on November 9, 2011 5:45 pm
Hopefully, as part of your content marketing strategy, you’ve been looking for opportunities to write a guest blog post on industry blogs. As the author, guest blog posts help from a link building perspective, the help build your online presence and awareness, grow your brand and more. But have you Read More

How to Tell the Story of Your Business

Avatar Posted by CanadianFinance under Public Relations
From http://createhype.com 4645 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on November 7, 2011 8:28 pm
The way you tell the story of your business will change the way both you and your customers think about your company. Read More

Does Your Klout Score Fit Into Your Social Media Strategy

Avatar Posted by keepupweb under Social Media
From http://keepupwiththeweb.com 4650 days ago
Made Hot by: stillwagon428 on November 3, 2011 10:35 am
Have the changes that Klout made to the algorithm that they use to calculate scores affected how you use Klout in your social media strategy? Read More
I don’t know about you, but I’m drowning in all my social media activity. Too much information. Too much wasted time. What new technology is going to help me navigate through all the social clutter and find my way to meaning – and still leave me time to live my life? Read More
In this week’s episode, I’ll deconstruct a postcard from a Daily Deal company using direct mail to build email subscribers. Click to watch the video. Read More
You have about 3 seconds to convince your website visitors that they’re in the right place. Do your visitors complete your calls-to-action? Read More

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