Feedback from a number of ecommerce store owners and service providers based on their observations. “For us it was social media ‘Experts’ who metaphorically threw a brick through our store window – they launched w/o a security certificate! And THAT is the express lane to ruining an Internet busines Read More
Having a shorter sales cycle is good, but not if it risks getting more sales. Shorter does not mean more efficient, so look for efficiencies that drive more results, that does not always equal faster. Read More
Sometimes momentum is positive, helping you to climb to greater heights and produce greater and greater results. But momentum can work the other way, too. Read More
Management is about making choices and setting priorities. We have to choose to do somethings, choosing not to do others. We have to set priorities and maintain focus. Choosing everything, setting everything to a top priority, consciously or by default (otherwise known as piling on), is a sure path Read More
There was an interesting stat out of Harvard Business Review on the importance of timely responses when it comes to following up with online leads. The data originally came from a study of 2,241 U.S. firms led by a researcher at South Korea’s Sungkyunkwan University. According to the report: Read More
As sales and marketing continue to collaborate, alignment and tools help the two ac hive greater success. Today's guest post looks at tools, strategies and use of social media to achieve improved results. Read More
Google has pronounced it's new service today towards page speed, they promises to increase site speed and page load, which will result to rank your site higher in their search engines. Read More
The inability to listen sends your dream client a message. It tells them all they need to know. And it will undo your ability to win an opportunity. Read More
In this world of hyper activity and business, I think too many of us find ourselves in the situation of How did I get here? We get caught up in meeting after meeting, constantly being interrupted by emails, texts, tweets. We go through the motions we always have gone through--often on auto pilot. Read More
You need new skills, new ideas, new strategies, and new tools. To make room for new skills, new ideas, new strategies, and new tools, you have to do some unlearning Read More

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