A major part of what I do for a living is to help individuals and organizations improve their performance and sales effectiveness. I participate in a lot of meetings where I'm asked to review the sales effectiveness initiatives of organizations. Read More
“Work with those ready to be worked with.” Pretty simple advice. Pretty sound too. Especially when it comes to selling more faster. Read More
You can't sell if you are not speaking the same language, in today's guest post Allen Peterson, looks at buzzwords and their impact on communications. Read More
A question from the TSB mailbag. What can we do as sales executives working for small companies that are experiencing rapid growth that negatively impacts service? Read More
Web Analytics is a lot about Customers. It's also a lot about your employees and consultants, too.

If you spend a few hours a week looking at web analytics, you’re probably pretty familiar with determining which of your products and/or services are popular, and how to tell which of your ads or m Read More
In looking at a couple of books on amazon, you quickly realize that there is a miss alignment between Capitalism, and what fuels it, sales. Realign these on maybe we get back on track! ;) Read More
Among other things, I carry out feasibility studies for start-up or developing businesses: sizing their markets, identifying important trends, doing competitive analysis and the like. Typically my projects are one-off and usually require between 3 and 10 days’ work. Read More
You have been told that you have an hour and a half to present. You don’t have anywhere near that much time. What does your dream client want from your presentation? Read More
But questions aren't the fundamental issue--conversations are. Questions are an important part of establishing a conversation, but I think focusing on questions creates an inbalance and may, in fact, detract from our ability to have conversations. Read More
I've been involved in a number of conversations about questions recently. They've covered topics like, what are the best questions, what should we avoid, and other areas. These questions are always difficult to answer, because so much of the time, the best response is, It depends. Read More

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