As the great game of sales continues to change, you are going to have to be as prepared to not present as you are prepared to use your slide deck. Read More
Many of the most important investments a leader can make are not financial in nature. These investments are among the most expensive investments a leader can make. Read More
These meetings are such an enormous waste of time. We can accomplish much more than simply reporting and reviewing what has happened. The real value of the management review--for all participants is the discussion. Read More
When I started my career, I was utterly terrified of sales and business development. But I finally learned how to vanquish the Sales Monster under my bed, and now you can too, through these 12 insights into trust-based selling. Read More
Understanding our competition is critical to our success as sales people. Too often, though, I see sales people underestimating their competitors and what their customers may think of their competitors. As a result, they fail to develop a winning strategy or are outsold by the competition. Read More
Here's how former US President Bill Clinton manages his vast network of business and professional contacts. Read More
Do You Really Give a Shit About Your Customers?
Do you care how they feel or how they are?
Do you care about their future?
Do you care about their careers?
Read More
The reason I love sales, selling, and sales professionals is that to be really good you have to be really smart and you have to be constantly thinking, analyzing, strategizing, and executing. Read More
This whole scenario is what I'd label "Highly Memorable Experience." Something a customer exec will not soon forget. Something forever associated with a top-notch, highly valuable sales rep. Read More
Yes sounds good to sales people, but the wrong yes can be worse than the right no. Don't be drawn in by the word, focus on the objective facts. Read More

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