Business acumen doesn’t follow closing, differentiation, or prospecting, even though it is fourth on the list. Although there are salespeople who may be able to close and obtain commitments, most of the time the ability to obtain commitments is reinforced or enabled by the salesperson’s business ac Read More
Are you wanting to get more clients, but don’t quite know how to go about it? Do you have a lot of unideal, high maintenance clients? Are you clear as to who your ideal clients are and what problem you solve for them? Whether you are or not, learn the single most important thing you need to do to i Read More
When many small business owners hear the word sales, or come across a discussion of how to increase their conversion rates, they automatically tune out. But the truth is that sales are what allow a small business to keep operating, and unless owners master the art, they’ll never be able to take the Read More
We know our products, our competition, our companies well. But this isn't what counts for our customers--sure they want sales people who understand the products they sell, but what they really want is sales people that understand them--their companies and businesses. Read More
One of the most important Pipeline/Funnel Metrics is Pipeline Volume. The key question Pipeline Volume answers is: Am I pursuing enough opportunities to make my goal or number? Without an understanding of Pipeline Volume, it's impossible to know whether you have enough opportunities, whether you ne Read More
Selling to C-level executives is a whole different world of sales. If you're ready to pitch your products and services to the top of your client companies, get this free ebook and learn a powerful 3-part preparation plan for C-suite sales plus 9 best practices for successful C-suite selling. Read More
I never ascribed to the notion that we should let our summer sales effort, or our salespeople, kick back and coast just because closing sales became that much more difficult. Instead, summer is a great time to get prepared for the far busier fall selling season. Read More
I've been involved in a number of discussions about independent sales reps recently. They are a terribly misunderstood and under-appreciated sales channel. Independent sales reps can be a solution to coverage and market access challenges, but only if we leverage them in a way that makes sense. Read More
When most professionals think about social media, brands like Starbucks, Coca-Cola, Old Spice, Best Buy among others come up in their minds. It makes them believe that this is a B2C world... Read More
Good information on the 3 types of psychological resistance buyers experience. It will help someone in sales or marketing deal with their customers and prospects better and make more sales. Read More

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