Mona19 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Typically, a company engages a firm when it lacks time or internal resources to accomplish certain tasks. While this reasoning is effective and can deliver results, the most significant value of working with a third party is the opportunity to gain an unbiased perspective and deep subject matter expertise. Read More
Here is the post which described how to facilitate better relations with various publics and what are the essentials to managing information between an organization and its publics. Read More
The point is that the ideas and conversations fly fast and furious online, so you have to be ready to give up your ToDo list and participate where you can deliver the most value, based on what people are engaged with at the time. Read More

Seth's Blog: Gravity is just a theory

Seth's Blog: Gravity is just a theory - Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From 5626 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 4, 2008 9:34 pm
Everyone 'believes' in gravity. And yet, we know virtually nothing about it. We don't know how gravity waves (if there are any) are transmitted. We can't block them (anti gravity boots!) and we can't amplify them and we have no idea how fast they travel. There are very few people doing serious gravity research and development, either. But it Read More
We have literally bludgeoned the poor social media ROI horse to death recently. There's a lot of sage discussion that's happened around the topic, but it all seems to boil down to a few things, an ROI credo of sorts: 1. We agree that having some kind of gauge for success is critical if you're to learn anything from your efforts. 2. We embrace the Read More
Remember the free pancake breakfast you used to get as a kid down at the fire station? Of course it wasn't free, your parents would pay a donation to help out the firehouse, but it seemed like it was free didn't it? Your parents likely donated more than they probably would have paid at the local Denny's for breakfast, yet they too felt it was f Read More
The worst mistake you will make as a web site owner is to ask someone to “look” at your web site. It's like the dreaded, “Do I look fat?” question. There's never a safe answer. For starters, someone may look slim standing up, but resemble the Buddha when sitting on a couch. You need to assign tasks to get honest answers to these tough questions. Read More

Paul Gillin Explains Why Marketers Should 'Think Like Publishers'

Paul Gillin Explains Why Marketers Should 'Think Like Publishers' - Avatar Posted by mona19 under Marketing
From 5627 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 2, 2008 6:58 pm
Paul is a former technology journalist who has become a leading thinker and speaker about Social Media. His first book, New Media Influencers, is the catalyst that moved many businesses to begin using social media. His new book, Secrets of Social Marketing, promises to help even more businesses. Read More
Having checked out Mike Damphousse's blog post Ethics & Wonder/Amazon's Mechanical Turk/Kiva on his experience getting a data related task done through the new online marketplace, I had a chance to check it out myself and ponder what this means for us as a B2B Marketing Database Management company. Amazon's Mechanical Turk has been making buzz wav Read More
Last week at a Tweet up organized for the Research Symposium for the Society of New Communications Research in Boston I chatted with Mihaela Vorvoreanu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Communications at Clemson University in South Carolina and a research fellow with the society. We discussed the concept of agenda setting* in the press. Read More

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