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These stories submitted by M4bmarketing will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Free is often used to get potential customers see value in your services. Another option is to follow the example of Mercedes Benz and develop and entry level DIY product from your service. It could be the start to have a lifetime customer. Read More
Knowing which keywords and phrases people use when searching online to visit your website is essential. The same goes for understanding the key attributes that are associated closely with your brand. These words and phrases helps you work out your key point of difference and your brand positioning. Read More
Do you have social media platforms and accounts that you haven't updated in a while and they look abandoned? If you do this can give customers a negative perception about your brand. Here are a couple of tips to avoid the ghost town look. Read More
The never ending list of choices today means customers have to think more when looking for solutions and buying which puts more pressure on their time. To differentiate your brand and make it easier for your customers look outside your market for marketing ideas.

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Are you answering “busy’ every time someone asks “how are you?” Busy is good if it is bringing in the revenue you want and you have time for a personal life. If you aren’t then it might mean you have cluttered up the marketing of your brand. Here are some signs of marketing clutter. Read More
Find the customer problem and then offer your solution. The bigger the pain and fear, the greater opportunity for your business or so they say. But is this true? Here is research which suggests focusing on pain and fear may not be the best approach. Read More
Having a real simple difference versus your competitors is a necessity if you want to build a successful business. While this is easy to say it can be difficult to do. One simple way is to look at removing potential barriers and purchase risks for potential customers. Here is an example. Read More
Smart marketing strategies can come from a simple idea and can mean increased sales and profit. Here is one example a company saw where customers where online to offer an offline product opportunity. Read More
This is not about any social media scoring.It is about your market value and pricing. One way to look at the market value of what your offer is across a couple of dimensions. Knowledge and skills. The more knowledge and skill the higher the price. Here are a couple of factors to look at. Read More
Although it is a competitive world today there are opportunities to be realised. One way is to observe market trends, customers and their attitudes and behaviour. Here is one example that shows the benefits of observing. Read More

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