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Check out these 5 Tips for Winning with Online Buyers... Read More

The Value of the Extreme

The Value of the Extreme - Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From 5359 days ago
In sales and in business, it is sometimes (often) helpful to get noticed and get remembered. What have you done to get noticed and remembered? What has your retail store or company done to do likewise? Read More

What's My International Blog Promotion Secret?

What's My International Blog Promotion Secret? - Avatar Posted by CindyKing under Global
From 5360 days ago
Made Hot by: SkipAnderson on November 3, 2009 8:58 am
International business blogs are great hubs for businesses to connect with their international audience if you use the right blog promotion tactics. Here is what I do to successfully promote my business abroad. Read More
Stop wasting time trying to manage time, you can sell more by using it. Read More
Do it yourself is great for deck and porches, not sure it works so well in court or training, what do you think? Read More
Much has been written about why customers buy. There are theories about timing, about making sure you're in front of the right prospects, about the role of trust... But not as much has been written about why customers don't buy. Read More
There is often a fine line between brilliant strategy and unethical business, it usually comes down to intent, character and the tactics used to achieve their goals. Read More
Are you speaking poorly about your competition? Is your competition bashing you? I've known people who believe in creating doubt in the prospect's mind by pointing out a competitor's weaknesses. On the other end of the spectrum. I've known people who believe the exact opposite. They choose not to say anything negative about the competition— Read More
"I can get the same thing for only $13,000 and your price is $18,000." Hearing something like that from a prospect stops many salespeople right in their tracks. Having no better way to handle that statement, some settle for spewing sales babble such a Read More

Linkedin for jobseekers — Do you dance?

Linkedin for jobseekers — Do you dance? - Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Self-Development
From 5366 days ago
Made Hot by: aliciatrinidad on October 28, 2009 1:57 am
I am amazed how the job market landscape has been transformed over the last 12-18 months. Not so much the actual change but more the speed of this change. All associated stakeholders need to take notice and embrace this change. Read More

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